Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How Other Facts Lead British - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1055 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category History Essay Level High school Topics: American Revolution Essay Did you like this example? During the 18th century, Britain was being in a very strong time. Their industry and technology developed rapidly, which helped their military to expand. Especially the navy, at that time, the advanced technology helps the British navy became the most powerful army in the whole world. As well as they also have a lot of colonies separate in the whole world, the support from outside source helped Britain develop. During that time American just a one of the British colony. their army cannot compare with the British army, and in most time they were protected by redcoat. And because they were the colony, their policy and social and economy trade were controlled by Britain. Therefore, the American actually didnt have power to against with British. However, the result of the American Revolution was beyond expectation. Even American without the help of France, between the British leaders, lacked unity and the right strategy, which reduced their military power. During that time the British force power was also influenced by chaos within the military. Plus they havent enough support in the colonies. Those facts also lead the British fail in the American revolutionary war. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Other Facts Lead British" essay for you Create order First, British believe that their forces can defeat any force in the world, and they have the right to believe that, but during the war, it makes their commanders often over-relax and leads their leader lacked unity and the right strategy, and make them belittle the enemy. John M. Taylor mentioned that University of Virginia historian Andrew OShaughnessy, after examining the factors that led to Britains defeat, he comes up with no single scapegoat. Britains defeat was a team effort(1..). The bad attitudes lead British commanders lost their victory. The battle of Yorktown is the best example to show British poor solidarity. Rachel McBrayer article record that during the battle of Yorktown Cornwallis lost a quarter of his army in the battle, leading him to abandon the backcountry of the Carolinas and move his army to Wilmington on the North Carolina coast to resupply and rest his troops. Cornwalliss unsanctioned decision to then march his army to Yorktown, Virginia, effectively hastened the end of the British Southern Strategy (2..). This battle during the American Revolution was important and it can directly influence the result of the American Revolutionary War. But from this battles, it obviously shows that the British did not skillfully change their plans. The leader also didnt have a good communication to design proper strategies. Cornwallis should communicate with other British generals when he made a plan. If they didnt have a comprehensive strategy, everything will be messed up. So, even their equipment and army are better than American force, but the fail group effort produced the bad strategies and ultimately lead British fail in the revolutionary war. Second, the power of British force was influenced by chaos within the military. During that time, Even the British has the most powerful military in the world, but their soldiers are chaotic and leader has corruption. So, during the war, the British army always with a terrible morale. First, The vulgarity of British soldiers came from that British allowed the informal soldier to join the army. Berkshire told a government minister that he held men condemned for highway robbery and horse stealing, but who were exceedingly proper fellows for either the Land or the Sea Service(3..). Then the bad moral of official corruption, for example, officers were not entitled to free rations while in garrison, but many made arrangements with the commissary agents to provide them, their families, and their friends with free food.(4..). There has recorded that Americans had been scandalized by the vulgarity of British soldiers, and they came to believe that success in the war depended on their individual moral character and that of their new nation (5..). The information proved that informal soldiers and corrupt officers had always existed and they had led to poor morale in the British army. Moreover, informal soldiers are less loyal than formal soldiers, and corrupt officials may make British soldiers uneasy, which lead a decline in soldiers loyalty to officers. If a states armed forces do not have a good morale, their military quality will decline, also the teamwork will be affected. According to the American thought ( the British soldiers did not have a good morality)at that time, if Britain continued to develop in this way, Britain could not succeed in the war. During the American Revolution, the British havent enough support from the colonies. First is the British refuse the support from royalists in colonies. And British military leader did not trust the royalists and preferred to rely on its own army. OShaughnessy indicates that the politicians and generals refused to make Loyalists equal participants in the war, insisting that American officers be subordinate to Britons of the same rank. (6..). Second is the tax policy has reduced American support for Britain, for example, the stamp tax, it has impacted all Americans, but in particular, it was taken as an offense by the merchants and lawyers; it angered everyone. Thereafter, riots broke out in several states(7..). The stamp tax dissatisfied the American. Those people who were oppressed by British unfair policy will not support the British anymore. British failed to utilize the Royalists of the whole colony because British did not fully trust them and they preferred to rely on their own troops. This reduces pressure of Royalist for Patriots. Then, due to British army lost their support in American, they will have more difficulty during the war. And the colonies were so vast. If the British did not have enough support from Royalists and American colonists, they will havent enough manpower to allow them to control the expansion of the Patriots and win any battle In conclusion, the British military surely has some problem during the American revolutionary war, and those problems affect the British force power. It is also clear that their leaders have not good unity and they didnt devise the tactics to suit them during the battle. Informal soldiers and corrupt officers led to moral chaos in the British army. The British also failed to utilize the Royalists of the whole colony and they have less support in America. According to those facts, the lack of solidarity, lack of moral and lack of support all impact the victory of Britain.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Resolving of Substantive and Emotional Conflicts in the Organizations Case Study
Essays on Resolving of Substantive and Emotional Conflicts in the Organizations Case Study The paper â€Å"Resolving of Substantive and Emotional Conflicts in the Organizations" is a spectacular variant of a case study on management. Conflict can be defined as a state of persistence unresolved differences between people, groups or within an individual. The parties involved in the conflict usually have a pressing need which should be addressed and they get frustrated because they are not in a position to get what they believe should be given to them or they have been denied what they believe should be rightfully theirs---promotion, wage increment, gift, and many others. It can extend to disagreement for social issues within the working environment due to a lack of understanding between individuals or a group of people within the organization (Resnick, 1983). Such kind of conflict is detrimental to organization performance has it can hinder the performance within the organization. Nelson and Campel (2003) say that conflict cause persistence friction among groups and individ uals hence hindering the smooth flow of work in a company.There are majorly two types of conflict that can exist in any organization and these are; substantive conflict and emotional conflict (Nelson and Campbell, 2003). Substantive conflict can be defined as the disagreement which exists between two or more groups or individuals over the goals or ends to be pursued and accomplished within an organization and the means to be used in their accomplishment, this kind of disagreement is usually principle-based conflict like difference on accounting principle to be used in profit realization method in an organization or method to be used in resolving a conflict which exist in a company (Plaks et al, 2005). This type of conflict is majorly common in large companies with the different department who have different objectives and goals to achieve. This is because as each and every department will try to achieve its goals, friction will arise more so if the goals are parallel but interdepend ent in one way or the other.The second type of conflict is emotional conflict. In most cases emotional conflict occurs between groups or individuals and it can be defined as interpersonal differences or difficulties that comes out as a result of feelings of anger, betrayal, dislike of either party, fear of unknown action from either party, resentment and mistrust among the parties (Mc Shane and Von Glinow, 2002). People have different moods each day, likes and dislikes, taste and preferences and make them be unique and different from one another. If these differences are not managed well they can result in irreconcilable conflict within the organization (Adler, 2002). Since it is a very common type of conflict in any organization, the management should take a keen interest in handling this kind of conflict whenever it arises as it can slow down the organization performance due to the fact that the parties in the conflict will not be free to work with one another.Both conflicts can b e theorized as social and it is the approach that has been used to categorize the two. According to this approach or theory, the main point of concern is usually imbalance existing regarding resources, money, and power. This conflict, just like it is witnessed by John and Tania, can happen in any setting---industrial, firm or familial. While researches continue to discover new elements, social theory resonates around details on how when and where socially related conflict can occur. The reason behind the actions of the social groups falling apart is always dependent on the mutual benefit attached (Adler, 2002).
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Social Networks Advantages and Disadvantages Free Essays
Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Imagine being stripped of your privileges to have access to social network sites such as facebook, twitter, myspace, and/or instagram†¦How would you reach out to family and friends you don’t get a chance to communicate with often? b. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages or any similar topic only for you Order Now Name: Hello my name is Kenyatta Stephens c. Topic: Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages (SLIDE) d. Relevance: Social network sites are sites that majority of us, if not all of us, engage in on a daily basis – â€Å"According to the 2012 Statistic Brain Research Institute, members located in The United States use social network sites approximately 7. 8 hours per month. †www. statisticbrain. com e. Credibility: Personal Experience Research f. Preview Statement: Today I will be informing you all about what social network sites (SNSs) are, their advantages and their disadvantages. g. Transition Statement: First, I would like to talk to you about what social network sites are and a few statistics. II. What are social network sites (SNSs)? h. Define – (SLIDE) – â€Å"SNSs are web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. †Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2007. www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. com i. – â€Å"According to the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, the first recognizable social network site was launched in 1997. †www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. om j. (SLIDE) – Different social network sites i. SixDegress ii. Classmates iii. Ryze iv. Tribe v. Myspace vi. Facebook vii. Instagram viii. Twitter k. (SLIDE) – Social Networking Statistics ix. Billions of users worldwide x. 98% of users are between the ages of 18-24 xi. The United States is among the top ten countries most engaged in social networking with an average of 7. 8 hours per month. Internal Summary: Now that I have defined SNSs and I have briefly discussed the different sites and statistics, I will tell you about the advantages that come along with SNSs. III. Advantages – (SLIDE) . Keep in touch with friends, classmates, and relatives m. Send/receive messages and upload/share photos and videos n. Not bound by any geographical and cultural differences o. Build a network of contacts and interact with a lot of people p. Promote business, services, products, and parties Internal Summary: Now that I have discussed some of the advantages of SNSs, I want to inform you about the disadvantages. IV. Disadvantages – (SLIDE) q. High rate of scams/fraud r. People waste valuable time s. Online harassment t. Personal secrets/information become public u. Employers and Government Agencies access Transition Statement: Now that I have told you what Social Network Sites are, their advantages, and their disadvantages, I would like to conclude my speech with a word of advice. V. Conclusion – (SLIDE) v. Be aware of the information you put out on any social network site. w. My take away – Using a bit of concern with your profiles in social media networks can help you in your personal and professional life. Sharing experiences and communicating with others has never been a crime, but it would be wise to think about the consequences of your action. How to cite Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages, Papers
Social Networks Advantages and Disadvantages Free Essays
Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Imagine being stripped of your privileges to have access to social network sites such as facebook, twitter, myspace, and/or instagram†¦How would you reach out to family and friends you don’t get a chance to communicate with often? b. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages or any similar topic only for you Order Now Name: Hello my name is Kenyatta Stephens c. Topic: Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages (SLIDE) d. Relevance: Social network sites are sites that majority of us, if not all of us, engage in on a daily basis – â€Å"According to the 2012 Statistic Brain Research Institute, members located in The United States use social network sites approximately 7. 8 hours per month. †www. statisticbrain. com e. Credibility: Personal Experience Research f. Preview Statement: Today I will be informing you all about what social network sites (SNSs) are, their advantages and their disadvantages. g. Transition Statement: First, I would like to talk to you about what social network sites are and a few statistics. II. What are social network sites (SNSs)? h. Define – (SLIDE) – â€Å"SNSs are web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. †Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2007. www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. com i. – â€Å"According to the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, the first recognizable social network site was launched in 1997. †www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. om j. (SLIDE) – Different social network sites i. SixDegress ii. Classmates iii. Ryze iv. Tribe v. Myspace vi. Facebook vii. Instagram viii. Twitter k. (SLIDE) – Social Networking Statistics ix. Billions of users worldwide x. 98% of users are between the ages of 18-24 xi. The United States is among the top ten countries most engaged in social networking with an average of 7. 8 hours per month. Internal Summary: Now that I have defined SNSs and I have briefly discussed the different sites and statistics, I will tell you about the advantages that come along with SNSs. III. Advantages – (SLIDE) . Keep in touch with friends, classmates, and relatives m. Send/receive messages and upload/share photos and videos n. Not bound by any geographical and cultural differences o. Build a network of contacts and interact with a lot of people p. Promote business, services, products, and parties Internal Summary: Now that I have discussed some of the advantages of SNSs, I want to inform you about the disadvantages. IV. Disadvantages – (SLIDE) q. High rate of scams/fraud r. People waste valuable time s. Online harassment t. Personal secrets/information become public u. Employers and Government Agencies access Transition Statement: Now that I have told you what Social Network Sites are, their advantages, and their disadvantages, I would like to conclude my speech with a word of advice. V. Conclusion – (SLIDE) v. Be aware of the information you put out on any social network site. w. My take away – Using a bit of concern with your profiles in social media networks can help you in your personal and professional life. Sharing experiences and communicating with others has never been a crime, but it would be wise to think about the consequences of your action. How to cite Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Best Method Measuring Blood Pressure
Question: Discuss about the Best Method for Measuring Blood Pressure. Answer: Introduction Blood pressure is the force/ pressure exerted by blood on the arterial walls when it flows through arteries. It maintains the needed flow of blood between heart and body organs. An accurate blood pressure measurement in children is very essential to prevent cardio vascular disorders. According to recent studies, hypertension is found to be increasing in children of many countries (Vidal, 2013). The increasing blood pressure should be controlled to prevent heart attacks and brain stroke. The hypertension that begins in the childhood period may be carried to adult stage and so early detection and prompt treatment of hypertension in children is required. In case of pediatric hypertension, there are several doubts about the accuracy of instruments and reference standards for comparing blood pressure. This is because of the constant change in blood pressure of the pediatrics based on their growth and development (Douglas, 2012). Various blood pressure measurement devices for children are available as non-automated, semi-automated and automated devices. This essay discusses about the auscultation and oscillometric methods of blood pressure measurement and evidences supporting their usage in children. Revising the problem and the question Basically, all the children above three years of age should be monitored for blood pressure every year (Douglas, 2012). There are various methods of blood pressure measurement in children as auscultating method (including mercury sphygmomanometer and aneroid devices), semi automated and automated (oscillometric) method. The auscultation method is the oldest method of measuring blood pressure. In this method, the technique of measuring blood pressure is that the cuffpressurebecomes more than the diastolicpressureand the systolic pressure is decreased. A tapping sound that is associated with the flow of blood called Korotkoff sounds are measured by using stethoscope whereas in oscillometric method, BP is measured by automated devices. These devices are mostly used in small children, critically ill and unstable children, at the time of invasive procedure and if frequent monitoring of a child is needed as intravenous blood pressure medications. In olden days, the auscultating method using mercury sphygmomanometer is considered as the golden standard of measuring blood pressure. But use of mercury sphygmomanometer was banned (Pickering, 2005).Then they were replaced by aneroid devices. Even these devices very also less accurate and often requires frequent calibrations.Later, it was replaced by other auscultating devices as hybrid sphygmomanometers by replacing mercury in devices. These devices have both auscultating and electronic features with pressure gauge but the same measurement technique of mercury device is followed. The main drawback is that, mercury is a human- neurotoxin. If it breaks, it will cause mercury toxicity in children. The health care institutions contribute to the mercury pollution by spills, device breaks and burning of mercury waste (Ogedegbe, 2010). The measurement of blood pressure in children is difficult as the appropriate selection of cuff based on the arm size is needed. Moreover measuring readings in small children, restless and irritable infants and children is difficult. Taking blood pressure by auscultation method takes time for measuring and the child may not cooperate. The stethoscope should be placed too firmly on the ante-cubital fossa of child which may cause auscultation errors and the child may not allow keeping stethoscope often. The korotkoff sounds are very difficult to hear in children as they will be of lower frequency and amplitude. For this pediatric bell could be used. Comparatively use of oscillometric method is perfect for a pediatric (Douglas, 2012). Locate best evidence and critically appraise evidence Eliasdottir (2013) has conducted a comparative study on the use of aneroid and oscillometric blood pressure measurements in children to investigate the difference in blood pressure obtained using oscillometric and aneroid blood pressure monitors in 9 to 10 year old children. He states that there was no apparent difference between the mean systolic blood pressure readings that is obtained by using these two methods but the mean of diastolic pressure was low in case of oscillometric devices. A decreased expression of BP with every consecutive reading was observed in both methods which suggest that multiple blood measurement is needed for both the methods before diagnosing the child to have hypertension. Flynn (2012) has assessed the reliability of blood pressure measurement and its classification by using an oscillometric model in children with chronic renal disease. He concluded that as compared to auscultation method, the oscillometric method apparently overestimates the blood pressure of a child leading to misclassification of blood pressure. This is similar to a study in which Dinamap oscillometric device was assessed by comparing sequential blood pressure readings in 63 patients by using mercury and Dinamap-8100 device in Australia (Heinemann, 2008). It was found that the blood pressure measured with Dinamap was apparently lower than that of mercury sphygmomanometer. The researcher concluded that Dinamap device can be used for systolic blood pressure but not for diastolic measurement. In 2012, Shah has compared the use of mercury and aneroid devices in youth. He found that both mercury and aneroid methods produce equal measure. This was also supported by a study conducted by Ma (2008) which implies that there is no difference in both these devices. In contrast, Markandu (2000) has conducted a study on mercury devices and found that 38% of devices had dirty mercury columns, 21% of markings were not clear due to mercury oxidation, 18% had obscured and faded markings and 3 with leaking mercury, 8% with worn out, splits and damaged cuff, 35% cuffs didnt stick and 7 with wrong size. This study states that mercury devices should be replaced by advanced methods whereas Shah (2004) suggests that mercury devices are more accurate. In auscultation method, there are greater chances of both observer and methodological errors. The observer errors may include the preference of finger digit, lack of attention, rapid and more cuff deflations and hearing deficits. It may cause methodological errors such as not accounting the variations in pulse and not comparing the beats sequence (Jahangir, 2015). On the other hand, oscillometric devices eliminate the observer errors that occur in auscultation method. But there are discrepancies in accuracy of oscillometric devices on children with hypotension, hypertensive and cardiac arrhythmia children leading to inappropriate treatment (Jahangir, 2015). In spite of these inaccuracies; they are sufficiently accurate for the clinical purposes. Moreover, oscillometric devices are completely automated and hence observer participation is needed other than placing the cuff and recording the blood pressure. In this, the cuff is inflated and deflated electronically which avoids cuff pres sure alterations that affect blood pressure. The pressure wave produced by the brachial arterial wall is sensed by a transducer in the device. There are no particular systolic and diastolic pressure points on the pressure wave and so they are calculated electronically using an algorithm (Jahangir, 2015). There are a variety of these devices in market having different algorithms. Oscillometric method requires no transducer to be placed on the brachial artery, and is less affected by external noise. It is useful in home care setting. But the pressure sensor should be calibrated to maintain accuracy. Its measurement requires lesser skill than that of auscultator technique and could be used by an untrained staff and for home monitoring (Ogedegbe, 2010). Alpert, 2014 has conducted a study on using oscillometric blood pressure and suggested that these devices have developed as clinical standard due to simple training need, less cost and mercury ban in many countries. All the evidences suggest that using oscillometric devices for blood pressure is easy and effective. Recommendations To summarize, mercury can cause environmental pollution and neuro-toxic to children and so its usage should be banned. WHO (2005) instructed to remove mercury devices from hospitals. Many countries have replaced mercury devices with other devices. Yet, few studies suggest that mercury sphygmomanometers are needed to get accurate readings. Even if automated devices are available, mercury readings are needed to generalize the results. Based on the review of these devices, the following result is summarized. The aneroid devices should be appropriately calibrated and maintained to be equal or more accurate than that of mercury device. It has to be calibrated every 6 months to maintain accuracy. The validated oscillometric models should have digital displays to promote accuracy and to remove inter observer changes in BP measurement of children (Buchanan, 2009). Even if there is good evidence about oscillometric models, they are not validated to be used in some conditions as arrhythmias in children. All the aneroid and oscillometric devices that are available on the market should be validated with same protocols to maintain uniformity. Oscillometric devices may eliminate the observer errors that are associated withauscultatorymethods. But apparent differences are observed between both measurements. It is both device and user dependent. Moreover they are used by untrained persons and in homes. Previously, mercury device was considered as golden standard. Yet using electronic pressure gauge is more reliable than mercury device in repeated measure of pressure. The use of oscillometric devices seems to be superior to other types. Therefore these devices should be used as substitute for mercury devices for validation purposes. It appears that oscillometric device with most accurate calibrating protocol should be adapted validating organizations. Conclusion To conclude, blood pressure measurement devices should be reliable and suitable for all age groups. Nowadays people measure BP for needed children at home regularly. Mostly mercury should be avoided for children as it may cause toxicity. The results suggest that the measurement of BP in children is difficult, yet to get accurate result oscillometric devices should be used. Reference Alpert, B.S.,Quinn, D. Gallick, D. (2014). Oscillometric blood pressure: a review for clinicians. J Am Soc Hypertens.8(12):930-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jash.2014.08.014 Buchanan, S. (2009). The Accuracy of Alternatives to Mercury Sphygmomanometers. Retrieved from https://noharm.org/sites/default/files/.../Accuracy_Alts_Mercury_Sphyg_rev10-09.pdf Douglas, C. (2012). Potter and Perrys Fundamentals of Nursing- Australian version. (4th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. Eliasdottir, S.B. (2013). Comparison of aneroid and oscillometric blood pressure measurements in children: J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich).15(11):776-83. doi: 10.1111/jch.12196 Flynn, J.T.,Pierce, C.B.,Miller, E.R. Charleston, J. (2012). Reliability of resting blood pressure measurement and classification using an oscillometric device in children with chronic kidney disease: J Pediatr.60(3):434-440.doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2011.08.071. Gilhotra, Y. Willis, F. (2006). Blood pressure measurements on children in the emergency department:Emerg Med Australians.18:148.[PubMed] Heinemann, M. (2008). Automated versus manual blood pressure measurement: A randomized crossover trial: Int J Nurs Pract.14:296-302. Jahangir, E. (2015). Blood Pressure Assessment. Retrieved from https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1948157-overview#a7 Ma,Y. (2008). Evaluating the accuracy of an aneroid sphygmomanometer in a clinical trial setting: Am J Hypertension: 1-4. Markandu, N.D. (2000). The mercury sphygmomanometer should be abandoned before it is proscribed: J Hum Hypertens.14:31-36 Ogedegbe, G. (2010). Principles and techniques of blood pressure measurement: Cardiol Clin. 28(4): 571586. doi:10.1016/j.ccl.2010.07.006 Pickering, T.G., Hall, J.E. Appel, L.J. (2005). Recommendations for blood pressure measurement in humans and experimental animals: Part 1: blood pressure measurement in humans:Hypertension.45:142.[PubMed] Shah, N. (2004). Sphygmomanometers. An audit in general practice: Aust Fam Phys.33:952-954. Shah, S. A. (2012). Comparison of Mercury and Aneroid Blood Pressure Measurements in Youth: Pediatrics. 129(5): 12051210. doi:10.1542/peds.2011-3087 Vidal, E. (2013). Blood pressure measurement in children: which method? which is the gold standard: J Nephrol. 26(6):986-92. doi: 10.5301/jn.5000244. World Health Organization. (2005). Department of Protection of the Human Environment Water, Sanitation and Health. Mercury in Health Care.
Friday, November 29, 2019
International ethics statement of the problem
Introduction As human beings, we live in a world where differences exist. Despite these differences, human beings have the capacity to choose which direction they ought to follow. This is usually based on the values and principles which are held by individuals. Essentially, choosing what is right or wrong is what constitutes to what ewe term as an ethical practice.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on International ethics: statement of the problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethics begins when a person seeks to establish why a belief is good and why he thinks another belief is bad. It begins when one seeks to give reasons explaining the nature of something, that is, why something is termed as good or bad, and the appeal to reasons which have been put across defining why a given approach is preferred over another one. When people are faced with challenges in life, one has to determine what is truly good f or oneself and what is to be avoided. The wisdom which is usually associated with this kind of reasoning is usually based on traditions and previous experiences which describe the aspect of goodness or badness of an action or belief. It is worth noting that traditions can at times mislead us; for instance, the traditions which were held with regard to slavery centuries ago were acceptable, however in the current time and age, they are unacceptable. Thus it is important to understand the nature off goodness in light of humanity in order to enhance the human capacity to achieve the stated objectives of life (Devettere). International ethics: statement of the problem It is worth noting that every human being is defined within a given international code of ethics. This implies that we are subject to a given set of standards which govern our conduct and inform the direction that one should take. Internationally, there are a set of standards which define what ought to be done and what oug ht not to be done. Many people have held the idea that international relations do not lie within the sphere of morality. However is important to note the fact that ethical concerns are part of international affairs. Essentially, the current judgments of the rights and wrongs of foreign policy are affected by past efforts to articulate the legitimate claims of political communities, to lay down rules for civilized diplomacy, to distinguish just and unjust wars, and to establish procedures for the peaceful settlement of international disputes (Nardin and David). Many people have held the opinion that ethics is simply a branch of philosophy. Furthermore, other eras of existence and civilizations have treated this subject as an aspect which is in relation to law. The premise of this paper is to seek to elaborate our understanding off ethical dimension with regard to international affairs. This is based on the fact that there has been minimal understanding of what international relations entail. Consequently disagreements have arisen with regard to which courses of action ought to be taken over others.Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More We must not down play the fact that the narrow understanding of ethics that prevails in the modern societies has a great impact on the international affairs. Essentially, international ethics in a strict sense involves a set of principles. In addition to this, it also deals with the interpretation and the rightful application of these principles by persons in particular circumstances (Gunning, SÃ ¸ren and Ian). Thinking ethically entails the process of moving back and forth in light of the general and the particular. In this case, international ethics entails the utilization of principles, interpretation, choice and action. It is also important to take note of the fact that international ethics is not just limited to acts of judging what is right or wrong (Devettere). Some of these ethical considerations involve the application of principles of conduct which is categorized as right. In addition, international ethics is concerned with acts which can be classified as desirable or not. This is usually in line with the outcomes of the actions which are produced by the choices which have been taken. Case study Just war is a war that is directed towards establishing lasting peace and stability within a given region. Historically, philosophers such as St. Augustine believed that when called upon, people have the moral obligation to use force in circumstances that protect the innocent (Heinze). This notwithstanding, a just war should be initiated and sustained by an authority which is legitimate and the ruler in this case should posses intentions which are deemed to be rightful. In this case, the intentions should include an absence of passion intended to hurt or the quest to conquer. The case for w ar The US – led invasion of Iraq presents a classical case against which we can evaluate the case of international ethics. In this case, the Bush administration held thee opinion that failing to capture Saddam Hussein increased the danger levels (Heinze). This led to framing the case for war to be based on the terms of both urgency and uncertainty. In the president’s terms, non – violent approach would be calamitous. This was based on the fact that the previous 12 years of sanctions against Iraq seemed not to work (Nardin and David). The American argument was made prior to the passage of the UN Resolution 1441. Furthermore, it ignored the International Atomic Agency which had declared that Iraq was not in any position of possessing nuclear program. Evidence suggested that the Bush administration was certain on the conviction that Iraq had hostile intentions towards the United States of America. This was based on the premise that Iraq supported acts of terrorism which were aimed against the Bush administration. Furthermore, this administration held the believe that Iraq was actively preparing weapons of mass destruction.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on International ethics: statement of the problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In as much as Iraq had a role to play towards fulfilling the commitment to disarm, the United States of America had her commitment to ensure that she adhered to the UN restrictions on issues regarding authorization of war. Essentially, Article 39 enables the Security Council to analyze the nature of a threat and to decide the appropriate measures to be taken in case of a perceived threat. In this case, an absence of imminent threat denies that US the Legitimate Authority to enforce the UN resolutions and in this case, against Iraq. Essentially, rightful intentions for engaging in war should involve goals and set principles upon which the objectives and the goals would be achieved. Ethically speaking, the intentions of war should not be driven or governed by personal intentions (Heinze). Any state can attack another based on a cause that is classified as just. Though it is unethical if any state should engage in war against another state based on the desire to occupy or exploit the resources which are this nation. International ethics stipulate that war should be aimed at promoting peace and any other just cause with regard to the human wellbeing. The research process Carrying out this study was based on the fact that historical data is crucial towards the establishment of the decisions which were arrived at with regard to the prevailing conditions (Nardin and David). Furthermore, the main approach that was taken in carrying out this study was based on historical perspectives, that is, going to the archives and seeking to establish factors which led to the state of affairs within the stated case. Some of the ques tions which were asked in this pursuit included, what was the role of the US government towards taking part in the US led invasion of Iraq? Was the invasion justified? What were the consequences of the invasion? What were the international ethical considerations that were involved? Should this be the way in light of any other prevailing war? Ethical dilemmas of the war Following the invasion, some ethical dilemmas came to the fore. For instance, there was the question of the principles which were considered before going to the war. Essentially, after the capture of Saddam Hussein much of the stated weapons of mass destruction or chemical weapons were not found (Nardin and David). This questioned the legality of the invasion thus questioned the intention of the US led invasion into Iraq. Secondly, following a report that was prepared by the energy task force which shed light on the Persian Gulf with regard to the vast energy resources present posed the validity of the intentions to i nvade Iraq. Findings and implications The implications of the Iraq invasion are felt to date. This is because, instead of making headway, arguments have been brought to the fore with regard to the state of security in Iraq. Currently, there are sectarian wars which are taking place that have debilitated the efforts towards establishment of peace (Heinze). Essentially, concerns have been raised questioning the legality of this war, and consequently the ethicality of this war (Nardin and David).Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The war has been widely characterized by well respected personalities across the globe as a mistake that should have never taken place. This has led to untold damage to the image of the countries that actively took part in the war and has brought to the fore the subject of moral credibility that the US holds with regard to international affairs (Gunning, SÃ ¸ren and Ian). Conclusion The humanitarian state within Iraq is still wanting. Cases of violence have been reported not forgetting the cases of corruption among the government officials. It cannot go without mention that the ethical dilemma which has been brought to the fore in light of this war has debilitated the global perspectives with regard to international ethics. The role of international bodies which uphold these ethical grounds have also been questioned. However, despite the negative repercussions, it is important to note the errors which have been made in the past and what can be done to ensure that these historical i nternational ethical errors are not repeated. Thus, it is important to let the global citizens to be aware of the international ethical standards and the role they play towards human wellbeing. Works cited: Annotated Bibliography Devettere, Raymond. Practical decision making in health care ethics:cases and concepts. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press, 2009.Print. This book analyses the general description of ethics within a healthcare settting. It enables the reader to understand the interpretation of ethical terms in several settings. Gunning, Jennifer, Holm SÃ ¸ren and Kenway Ian. Ethics, law, and society. New York: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, 2009. Print. This text analyses papers from international experts. This is the aim of bringing to the fore the subject of international ethics in a clear manner. Heinze, Eric. Waging humanitarian war:the ethics, law, and politics of humanitarian intervention. New York: SUNY Press, 2009. Print. This book examines the several aspects which causes of military interventions. The aspects herein include ethical, legal, and political dimensions. Nardin, Terry and Mapel David. Traditions of international ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Print. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of how ethcial traditions have an impact on the current ethical interpreattion of ethical matters. This is with a special empphasis on internatoinal ethics. This research paper on International ethics: statement of the problem was written and submitted by user Silvermane to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Narziss And Goldmund Essays - Narcissus And Goldmund, Literature
Narziss And Goldmund Essays - Narcissus And Goldmund, Literature Narziss And Goldmund Humans are one of the only species that are expected to meet someone, fall in love, and mate for life. It is socially engraved in us that we are to marry for life, and to be completely faithful to that one person. Given a person of Goldmund's free spirit and constant need for change, and to experience the new, puts one giant obstacle in his path. He cannot settle down, however much he craves everlasting love. His one love and possible life long companion, need not be a 'wife', simply a person to share his soul with. That person is Narziss. There is, however, one flaw in the equation. Goldmund craves physical love as well as mental stimulation. Whatever possible mate meets his physical requirements in a lover, does not stand up to the standards created by Goldmund's relationship with Narziss. Goldmund is destined to wander, unhappy, searching for something, though he knows not what he is looking for. His many relationships with women, and his tremendous commitment to his art prove tha t all he ever wanted was for something to totally ensconce him, to totally envelop him, to fill the emptiness in his heart left by the mother who deserted him. Goldmund longs for something that can be attained by him at any given point in time, but the fact is, he longs for something that he doesn't want. Security. This novel contains a distinct cyclical structure. This structure is contributed to through characters, themes, ideas, times, and places. Each of these elements facilitate the development of an organized, creative work, delving deep into the human psyche to reveal that both Narziss and Goldmund are players in the same game. There are three separate cycles present in the novel. The first cycle occurs during the first year or two after Goldmund has left Mariabronn. It concludes with Goldmund witnessing a woman giving birth. He sees in her face the face of all of the women he has ever been with, and this connection between love and birth purges him of the sterile passion he felt for Lydia. Characters in this cycle, almost exclusively women, are seen as objects. They are erotic, sensual, and physical, but nothing else. They have no dimension beyond that of a sexual outlet for Goldmund's blind passions. There is an impression of transience present in the mother-world, manifested in Goldmund's many relationships. This is demonstrated most clearly through Lise, when, after she and Goldmund make love together, returns to her home for the night. This happens with other characters as well, most of them having husbands to return to, and Goldmund feels pain because of this knowledge. All of the meetings between Gol dmund and his lovers occur at night, and bears a strong relationship with nature, specifically, animals, trees, and plants. As the cycle continues, Goldmund experiences death as well as life, demonstrated by his killing Victor over a gold coin. Ideas presented within this cycle include the need for commitment. As Goldmund was before a spring lover, he is now a hunted murderer, but he does not at this point in the novel, realize that death, equated with the season of winter, are elements of the mother world. The second cycle beings after Goldmund witnesses the woman giving birth. In this cycle, Goldmund sees death, decay, and the beauty present in each. From Nicholas' statue, Goldmund begins to see the blending of beauty and pain, and he decides to pursue the world of art, under Nicholas. Goldmund sees in art a blending of the mother and father world. The characters Goldmund comes in contact in this cycle give a definite image of pain and death. This is exemplified in the plague scene, wherein Goldmund comes to terms with death, and understands how it transcends, as art does, the mother and father worlds. Ideas presented in this cycle concern the Eve-mother, whose face represents all of the women Goldmund has ever known, and the principle, which unites them all together. There is a complete range of characteristics in this cycle, including moth love, bliss and birth as well as cruelty, decay, and death. Time and place play an important role in this scene, especially
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How Do Teachers Use the Internet in Education Essay
How Do Teachers Use the Internet in Education - Essay Example Today, teachers have also incorporated internet in their classroom environment. According to a survey by NetDay (a nonprofit education technology organization), approximately 84% of the teachers consider use of computers and internet a vital part of their curriculum. They think that internet enhances the education quality and 75% of them believe that it is an essential tool to bring new resources for the classes. Today, almost all teachers have access to internet in their respective schools and about 80% of all classrooms have online computers. The internet is beneficial to all its users, be it teachers or students. Most teachers find internet as a research device for retrieving new information for their students and then teaching it in class. According to NetDay, 48% of the teachers view internet as a significant tool for teaching and for the past twelve years has been used in almost every school environment. In the past, books were the only source of information for the teachers an d students but in today’s globalized world, internet has become an important source for all types of information and teachers use it daily to teach their students. (Pastore, 2001) Teachers not only use internet for research and academic work in today’s society. ... In developing nations, it is still vulnerable for girls to attend schools on a daily basis or terrorist activities do not permit daily education; in such instances, online education is the ultimate answer. Teachers at Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, New York University and many other higher educational establishments worldwide give online classes to their students. Video conferencing and virtual education have grown to an extent that people use it widely in all demographic regions of the world. Teachers also update their lesson plans and homework for their students on the internet on various websites of their universities. (Pastore, 2001) Teachers not only use internet for research and communicating with their students, but they receive trainings for their courses online as well. With the expansion of internet and information technology, principals of school find it important to train their staff to use the world of internet. Teachers today receive IT trainings via the internet so that th ey are better able to teach their students. Complex courses and advanced technologies’ trainings are given to teachers worldwide. Teachers are trained in information technology so that they can better integrate it in their classrooms. Approximately 34% of all teachers in Hungary, Canada, Japan, and Iceland use external training for advanced courses over the internet. At least 30 percent of primary school teachers in Hungary and New Zealand have received IT trainings. (OECD, 2001) The percentage of teachers making use of internet for educational purposes has immensely increased during the past ten years. Today, the concept of missing a class and missing all class work and homework has long gone. Teachers make sure that the students work on their
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Ethical Dilemma of Maximizing Pleasure. Utilitarianism Dilemma Essay
The Ethical Dilemma of Maximizing Pleasure. Utilitarianism Dilemma - Essay Example My predicament provides quite a simplified and inaccurate version of John Stuart Mill’s principle of utility which states that actions promoting happiness or pleasure are considered to be correct whereas actions promoting unhappiness or pain are considered to be wrong (John Stuart Mill 330). According to Mill’s principle, my choice of going to Nuit Blanche instead of studying was the right one as I was able to maximize my pleasure. But, this situation is too simplistic and does not provide a moral argument for Mill’s principle. Let us consider the following thought experiment where a trolley is out of control and it is approaching five people who cannot escape the impact. Fortunately, you are next to a switch which could change the path of the train and save the five people. But, the other track is under construction and if you were to flip the switch, you would kill one construction worker. In this situation, Mill’s principle of utility would argue that s aving five people would result in maximizing the most happiness or pleasure and therefore it would be morally justified to kill the construction worker. Thus, the central idea of Mill’s principle states that the morality of an action is contingent upon its consequence. I believe that Mill’s principle is problematic because the notion of happiness or pleasure is subjective to every human being and this subjectivity creates problems when solving ethical dilemmas. In order to present my position clearly, I will first provide the benefits of Mill’s principle. I will then elaborate on some of the common objections and problems that his principle faces and demonstrate my issue with the principle and how its application fails in contemporary society. Mill’s Principle: Mill contributed to utilitarianism through reinforcing the view that individuals ought to take actions that produce the greatest happiness among people while keeping within reason. In contrast to o ther contributors to utilitarianism, Mill was of the view that the concept of happiness had differences qualitatively i.e. being directly proportional to intelligence of the individual. He argues that happiness is superior to contentment and one who experiences higher forms of happiness would not trade them for lower forms, â€Å"Few intelligent creatures would consent to be changed into any of the lower animals for a promise of the fullest allowance of the beast’s pleasures, no intelligence would consent to be a fool†(John Stuart Mill 21). He further argues that those who have experienced only the lower happiness are not in a position to objectively contribute to the question of which one is better (23). The gist of Mill’s principle is consequentialism; that actions are right based on the degree to which the greatest good for the greatest number of people is promoted. Benefits of Mill’s Principle: Mill’s argument of utilitarianism gives a yardsti ck to judge actions as either being right or wrong on the basis of the amount of happiness caused and to how many individuals. It thus can be applied in guiding actions that potentially raise ethical questions, where it can be argued that acting for the benefit of happiness for the majority of people is the right course of action; individuals should always choose to that which produces the greatest utility. While traditional consequentialism would seem to excuse any form of action as long as it produces pleasure, Mill’s principle is based on qualitative reasoning, establishing that there are higher and lower forms of happiness, hence sadist actions such as torture cannot be excused on however much happiness they cause to majority of people. Shortfalls and Objections
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Cultural Impact of the Yan'an Talks on Chinese Film Assignment
The Cultural Impact of the Yan'an Talks on Chinese Film - Assignment Example When he came into power, he made this belief known to the people in his 1942 speech, popularly known as the Yan’an Talks on Literature and Art. The primary purpose of the Yan’an Talks was to lay out the guidelines for literature and art in Communist China. The Talks detailed what kind of subject matter was acceptable to produce, the themes that should be discussed, and the target audience to be reached. In Chairman Mao’s words, â€Å"through the creative labour of revolutionary writers and artists, the raw materials found in the life of the people are shaped into the ideological form of literature and art serving the masses of the people†(â€Å"Talks†). The ideas outlined in the Yan’an Talks heavily influenced all forms of literature and art that emerged from China from the 1940s onwards, as evidenced by three notable Chinese films: Red Sorghum, Farewell My Concubine, and To Live. Red Sorghum, which was released in 1987 by Xi’an Film Studio, is a story that takes place in Shandong, China during World War II. It is about the life and death of a widowed sorghum distillery owner named Jiu’er. ... After some time, Li Datou dies under suspicious circumstances, and Jiu’er inherits ownership of the distillery. She is reunited with her rescuer, who has become an alcoholic whose drunkenness causes him to commit shameful acts like urinating in the sorghum wine. The story of Red Sorghum takes a darker turn at this point, with Japanese Imperial troops arriving and taking over the town. They commit various heinous acts of violence, at one point forcing one of the villagers to skin someone else alive. Angered, the people of the village revolt by attempting an ambush, during which many people, among them Jiu’er, are killed. The film makes use of bright, vivid, and detailed imagery, particularly in the violent scenes, to bring home the themes of revolution and resistance to foreign power. The Imperial Japanese troops – whom Mao named as the enemy in the Yan’an Talks – are depicted as heartless and brutal, and in the end unable to defeat the strong resist ance spirit of the villagers. The movie was also filmed with a technique that gave the entire movie a reddish tint, symbolizing both the death and violence wrought by the Japanese as well as the crimson colour of the sorghum fields which at the end of the movie are slowly growing again. Farewell My Concubine is a 1993 epic-length film that tells the story of a fifty-year friendship between two orphan boys, Douzi and Shitou, as they rise to acclaim as actors in China’s Peking Opera during the time from World War II all the way to communist China’s Cultural Revolution. Douzi is trained into female roles and assumes the stage name Cheng Dieyi, while Shitou assumes masculine roles under the name Duan Xiaolou. Eventually Dieyi’s roles translate into real life
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Indecency Policies
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Indecency Policies The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the agency in the United States tasked with the regulation of interstate and international communications carried out via radio, satellite, television, wire and cable. The agency was commissioned by the Communications Act of 1934, and its scope of authority extends throughout the 50 US states, the District of Colombia and all the US territories (Commission). The FCC has the responsibility of prohibiting the display of obscene programming at any time between 6 am and 10pm. In the event of a breach of this rule, the FCC policy requires that the license granted to the station breaking this rule be revoked, or a monetary fine be imposed. Also, it can give the station a warning with regard to its breach of rule (Commission). Ever since its institution, the FCC has sanctioned companies for brief curse words aired, or accidental nudity on live award shows. A particular case in point is the 2004 Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction saga, which cost CBS a whopping $550,000 in fines though it was appealed to an appellate court (Calver, p. 1-29). The FCC policy requires it to take appropriate punitive action, in respect of any media outlet, following documented complaints received from the public about any obscene, profane, or indecent material aired to viewers. Following such complaints, the FCC conducts a review to determine whether there has been a breach of the profanity, indecency, or obscenity laws. In cases where it is found that a broadcast station has violated the law, investigations into the claims are carried out. In this regard, the FCC policy requires complainants to follow a three-step process, before the act being complained about can be labeled as obscene, profane, or indecent. First, the average person must find that the content is appealing to the prurient interest, or an excessive interest in sexual matters. Following this stage, the material must be found to be depicted in a manner that is patently offensive and sexually explicit, and falls within the confines of the applicable law, in the particular case. In the third and last step, the content of the material must be determined to lack, in one way, or another, educational, artistic, scientific, or political value. In other words, it adds no value to the viewer. However, one crucial aspect of the entire process is putting the content of the material in context to determine its obscenity, indecency, or profanity (Commission). My opinion, in regard to the FCC policy, is that it is not doing much when it comes to censoring inappropriate content. One major reason is that the policy requires claims of obscenity, profanity or indecency, to pass the three steps before they can be so labeled. This process makes it extremely difficult to successfully censor, or prosecute, media outlets for airing inappropriate content. Therefore, the FCC should make the process less restrictive, to be able to accommodate more punishable cases of indecency. Indecency is defined by the FCC as, â€Å"Language or material that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms of patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory organs or activities†(Commission). Putting this statement in context, indecent programming basically comprises sexual or excretory references that are patently offensive in nature; however, they do not reach the obscenity level. Hence, courts hol d on to these indecent materials, as protected by the first amendment to the constitution, and do not ban them completely. Hence, viewers are left with the same initial problem of indecent material being aired. However, this indecent material can be restricted to avoid times when children are the primary audience. The FCC should make a policy that stipulates zero tolerance for any form of indecency, instead of having courts back them up with loopholes, such as by arguing that they are protected by the first amendment which upholds the right of free speech (Courts). An example is Nicole Richie’s 2003 speech at the Billboard Awards, where she categorically stated, â€Å"Have you ever tried to get cow st out of a Prada purse? Its not so fing simple†(CNN). The statement is a clear example of an indecent speech. The case brought up issues to do with the constitution and administration. The courts argued that FCC’s policy on the case violated the first amendment and, therefore, it was unconstitutional. The courts argued that the policy restricted free speech. Another major issue that the FCC should look into is amending its policy to include monitoring broadcasts for violation of its laws. This will make it more restrictive by broadening the scope of its mandate. . Currently, the FCC only responds to claims from the general public. Though this is a safe move to prevent pressuring a media outlet the FCC might be at loggerheads with, it is also a disadvantage. The FCC only investigates cases brought in by the viewers, and at times, not all the issues are given attention, although a significant number is analyzed. The major problem arises when specific viewers bear a grudge with a particular station, or individual, which is broadcasted. Such a scenario defeats the reason for the establishment of the FCC and makes it look like a platform, where personal grudges people hold can be settled. By being able to monitor broadcasts on their own, they can identify reasonable claims of a violation, instead of allowing individuals to act as if they own the FCC. A good example is Al Wescot, who is well known as a self-made watchdog. His grudge with Howard Stern is well recorded. He has on several occasions made it his job to file complaints with the FCC, with regard to Howard Sterns conduct (Mintzer, p25). In conclusion, the FCC should maintain its broadcast indecency policies. However, they should be made more stringent. Isolated expletives, or non-sexual nudity, should be treated the same; they are indecent. Furthermore, it should consider having a policy to be able to scrutinize broadcasts, instead of waiting for the viewers to file complaints. In this manner, broadcasters will be more aware of a watchdog that is the overriding authority. This will minimize cases of indecency in broadcasting. Works Cited Calver, C. Imus, Indecency, Violence (and) Vulgarity: Why the FCC Must Not Expand Its Authority Over Content. 30 Hastings Comm. Ent. Law Journal (2007): 1-29. CNN. Justices tackle free speech dispute over broadcast TV indecency. 6 January 2012. 24 February 2015 http://edition.cnn.com>. Commission, Federal Communications. Federal Communications Commission. 14 August 2014. 24 February 2015 http://www.fcc.gov>. Courts, United States. United States Courts. 24 February 2015. 24 February 2015 http://www.uscourts.gov>. Mintzer, Rich. Howard Stern: A Biography. United Kingdom: Simon Schuster Publishing, 2010.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Celebration at Neorot :: Essays Papers
Celebration at Neorot Summary Beowulf returns to the great Heorot Hall after slaying Grendel’s mother in an underwater battle. The death of Grendel and Grendel’s mother is a sign of the victory of good over evil. Grendel and his mother are vicious evil monsters. All the happy Geats listen as Beowulf recounts his underwater battle with Grendel’s mother. Beowulf credits God for his victory, saying, "The fight would have ended straightway if God had not guarded me" (Norton, 48). Beowulf offers the hilt to Hrothgar who carefully examines the melted sword, a work of giants, and "on which was written the origin of ancient strife, when the flood, rushing water, slew the race of giants"(48). Hrothgar then speaks to Beowulf about pride. Hrothgar praises Beowulf for what he has done for the Danes, but later warns him of the dangers incurred by the selfish king Heremod as an example of the evil appeal of power. Hrothgar says, "He grew great not for their joy, but for their slaughter, for destruction of Danish people. With swollen heart he killed his table-companions, shoulder-comrades, until he turned away from the joys of men, alone, notorious king, although mighty God had praised him in power, in the joys of strength, had set him up over all men." (49). Heremod is the selfish king who kills his own men. He is bloodthirsty with power and thus feels no joy. Nor does he receive any respect from his men. The story of Heremod shows that the corrupt use of power and fame can result in isolation and disrespect. Hrothgar’s speech continues as he gives thanks to God for giving humans wisdom. After the speech, Hrothgar invites Beowulf to feast once more with the Danes. The following morning, Beowulf and his men in armor are very eager to depart for home. Characterizacion Beowulf Beowulf shows further in the passage Further Celebration at Heorot that he is a thoughtful and polite man. He shows this in several ways. He gives the hilt of the sword that has killed Grendel’s mother to Hrothgar as a sign of respect for his position as the Dane’s king. He also does not forget to thank Unferth for the loan of his sword, Hrunting, even though it has been of absolutely no help to him in the fight. Hrothgar We are given a glimpse of Hrothgar’s wise character when he delivers the speech on pride to Beowulf.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Pianist Essay
‘The Pianist’ is a cinematic masterpiece by the Polish director Roman Polanski. One of the key ideas that appear throughout much of the film is that of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’. This idea is portrayed through Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Polish pianist, as he struggles for survival in Warsaw as everybody that he once knew and everything that he once had is lost. The idea of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’ is worth learning about as it allows the audience to realise the importance of hope in todays society – and to understand how Polanski uses music to symbolise ‘hope’ for Szpilman in the film.Polanski effectively utilises an array of visual and oral text features such as music, dialogue, and lighting to build further emphasis on this theme. ‘The Pianist’ is an honest depiction of the events that occurred during the Holocaust, through the eyes of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Jewish concert pianist liv ing in Warsaw, Poland. As the movie starts we see him in a radio studio beautifully playing the piano. But then the tanks start shooting, the bombs start falling, and the studio is damaged. He can no longer avoid the rapidly escalating situation. Germany is invading his homeland.His time as a concert pianist and radio performer has come to a sudden end. The first half of the movie focuses on the impact of the war on him and his family’s lives and the suffering of others, whilst the second half purely revolves around Szpilman’s struggle for survival and the hope in which he draws from music. Polanski heavily emphasises this idea, getting across the message that Szpilman would not be alive if were not for the hope in which he holds to – even if at times if at times it is by a tiny thread. The most obvious feature used to enhance the idea of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’ is that of music.After being forced to desert his family and having to live in isolation with his survival being questioned almost every day, it is perhaps only the thoughts of music that keep Szpilman going. This is idea becomes more apparent when Szpilman discovers a piano in one of the flats he is hiding in. He is unable to play because he will give himself away so we instead watch his fingers move across the air above the piano’s keys as whilst the sound plays in his head and too the viewer. Throughout the film we also see Szpilman pretending to play the piano as he taps his finger across his legs.It is moments such as these that help to maintain Szpilman’s willingness to survive by keeping silent, but also how piano gives fills him with the hope that is instrumental in his survival. In other scenes such as when a German officer asks Szpilman to play piano for him, and allows him to live because of his immense talent we begin to realise that Szpilman’s hope – music, does not only help him to survive mentally, but also p hysically as he can share the gift that he has to others. It is also important to note that Polanski only music by the Polish composer, Chopin is used throughout ‘The Pianist’.His sad and evocative music brings upon a sad mood, yet one with a hint of hope and with this, the director can more vividly express his ideas a way that dialogue or action cannot. Another oral feature used throughout the film to express the director’s idea of ‘hope being instrumental to our survival’ is dialogue. Whilst Szpilman’s actions are usually used to express the director’s ideas, there are multiple instances where dialogue is used effectively to express them. In one scene around a third of the way into the film, Mr. Lipa, a businessman comes round to the Szpilman’s family’s house to make an offer on their piano.The majority of the family think the amount of money he is offering for such a beautiful piano is absurd, but when he says, â€Å"2 ,000 and my advice is to take it. What will you do when you’re hungry? Eat the piano? †Szpilman comes to the realisation that whilst music is what he needs to survive mentally, it is in fact food that he needs to survive physically and accept this offer. From this point in the film onwards, Polanski distinguishes physical survival from mental survival for Szpilman and begins to enforce the idea of ‘hope is instrumental to our survival’.We learn that Szpilman will go to all efforts to survive, shown with dialogue, â€Å"[taking off his watch] Here, sell this. Food is more important than time†but it is his hope that he will one day be able to play piano again and be happy that is instrumental to his survival. This is shown later in the film when a German Officer asks him what he’s going to do when the war is over and he replies, â€Å"Play piano again†. It is the simple, but effective use of dialogue such as this that mimic realistic si tuations in comparison to the Hollywood theatrics used in other films that establish an exaggerated, bleak atmosphere.Lighting is another visual feature that is used to good effect to emphasise the idea of hope being instrumental in (Szpilman’s) survival. Throughout the second half of the film, where Szpilman is trapped within solitude – with the hope in which he holds on to hanging by the thread; Polanski uses dark and obsolete colours with a bluish tint that combined create a very strange and desolate atmosphere. While the dark obsolete lighting clearly portrays Szpilman’s pessimism, it is the bluish tint evident that is like the ‘silver lining’ and shows the viewer the hope that Szpilman is still holding on to.In one particular scene, where Szpilman plays piano for the first time in months to a Nazi Officer, moonlight with the distinct blue tint is cast over the piano and his hands as he plays. Polanski creates this effect to make the link for th e audience that music is the hope that has been instrumental to his (Szpilman’s) survival and is the tiny thread that he has been hanging onto when everybody he knows and everything that he once had has been taken from him.In the film ‘The Pianist’, Polanski effectively employed the use of the visual and oral features: music, dialogue and lighting to better communicate his idea of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’. These three features come together to allow the audience to truly realise the importance of hope being the sole factor that keeps Szpilman alive, and that his hope is symbolised through music. Polanski so skilfully uses these features to show rather than tell the importance of this idea and through this it is little wonder that the movie is considered a modern classic.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Soggy Sweats Famous Whiskey Speech
Soggy Sweats Famous Whiskey Speech One of the craftiest orations in the history of American politics was the Whiskey Speech, delivered in April 1952 by a young Mississippi legislator named Noah S. Soggy Sweat, Jr. The House had been debating whether to finally pop the cork on Prohibition when Sweat (later a circuit court judge and a college professor) decided to demonstrate his prowess for talking out of both sides of his mouth. The occasion was a banquet at the old King Edward Hotel in Jackson. My friends, I had not intended to discuss this controversial subject at this particular time. However, I want you to know that I do not shun controversy. On the contrary, I will take a stand on any issue at any time, regardless of how fraught with controversy it might be. You have asked me how I feel about whiskey. All right, here is how I feel about whiskey.If when you say whiskey you mean the devils brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster, that defiles innocence, dethrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean the evil drink that topples the Christian man and woman from the pinnacle of righteous, gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation and despair and shame and helplessness and hopelessness, then certainly I am against it.But if when you say whiskey you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that pu ts a song in their hearts and laughter on their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer; if you mean the stimulating drink that puts the spring in the old gentlemans step on a frosty, crispy morning; if you mean the drink which enables a man to magnify his joy, and his happiness, and to forget, if only for a little while, lifes great tragedies, and heartaches, and sorrows; if you mean that drink, the sale of which pours into our treasuries untold millions of dollars, which are used to provide tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf, our dumb, our pitiful aged and infirm, to build highways and hospitals and schools, then certainly I am for it.This is my stand. I will not retreat from it. I will not compromise. Though were tempted to call Sweats speech a lampoon, that words etymology (from the French lampons, let us drink) may betray a certain bias. In any event, the speech stands as a parody of political doublespeak and an artful exercise in employing audience-flattering connotations. The classical figure underlying the speech is distinctio: making explicit references to various meanings of a word. (Bill Clinton used the same device when he told a Grand Jury, It depends on what the meaning of the word is is.) But whereas the customary aim of distinctio is to remove ambiguities, Sweats intention was to exploit them. His initial characterization of whiskey, addressed to the teetotalers in the crowd, employs a series of dysphemismsdisagreeable and offensive impressions of the demon drink. In the next paragraph he shifts his appeal to the wets in his audience through a far more agreeable list of euphemisms. Thus he takes a firm standon both sides of the issue. In these days of duplicity in the land of spin, we lift our hearts and our glasses to the memory of Judge Soggy Sweat. Sources Orley Hood, On June 3, Soggys Speech Will Come to Life, The Clarion-Ledger (May 25, 2003)M. Hughes, â€Å"Judge Sweat and ‘The Original Whiskey Speech,’ The Jurist (Vol. I, No. 2, Spring 1986)If by Whiskey, The Clarion Ledger (February 24, 1996)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
All Things Political
All Things Political All Things Political All Things Political By Maeve Maddox During the Pope’s visit to the United States, social media and television abounded with comments discussing what is and isn’t political. For example, a television anchor expressed surprise that anyone would categorize such things as â€Å"caring for the poor, protecting religious minorities and integrating refugees†as political: â€Å"I think we are in a weird place in the world when [such things] are considered political.†The anchor’s surprise would have surprised Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.): The end [or goal] of politics is the best of ends; and the main concern of politics is to engender a certain character in the citizens and to make them good and disposed to perform noble actions.- Aristotle, â€Å"Nicomachean Ethics.†English owes the words politics and political to an ancient Greek word that meant â€Å"public matters, civic affairs.†Through time, different meanings have attached to these words. Here are traditional definitions of politics: The science or study of government and the state. Activities or policies associated with government. Public life and affairs involving matters of authority and government. Public life and affairs viewed as a profession. The word politics is also used in the context of nongovernmental activities: Management or control of private affairs and interests, especially as regards status or position. For example, â€Å"office politics.†The political ideas, beliefs, or commitments of a particular individual, organization, etc. For example, â€Å"the politics of the NEA,†â€Å"the politics of a film,†â€Å"the politics of George Clooney.†(with an indefinite article) A political structure, outlook, or ideology. For example, â€Å"a politics of denial,†a politics of denunciation,†â€Å"a politics of love.†For many modern speakers, the word politics has a derogatory connotation. For example, â€Å"to play politics†is â€Å"to act on an issue for personal or political gain rather than from principle.†Like the noun, the adjective has more than one application. A â€Å"political issue,†for example, is an issue associated with government policy. A â€Å"political football†is a subject of contentious political debate. â€Å"Political correctness†is language or behavior intended to avoid controversy. In a broad sense, political describes just about anything that affects the way people live their lives in an organized state. Here are a few random quotations on the topic of politics: In politics stupidity is not a handicap.- Napoleon Bonaparte In our age there is no such thing as keeping out of politics. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.- George Orwell. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.- H. L. Mencken. The greatest power is not money power, but political power.- Walter Annenberg. I believe that political correctness can be a form of linguistic fascism, and it sends shivers down the spine of my generation who went to war against fascism.- P. D. James. Politics is the greatest calling in a democracy.- Boyd A. Martin. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Definitely use "the" or "a"The Four Sounds of the Spelling OU5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow
Monday, November 4, 2019
Directive and indirective effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Directive and indirective effects - Essay Example At the same time, however, the EU's member governments have created and allocated increasing powers and discretion to a number of supranational organizations, including the executive Commission, the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and a European Parliament (EP), which now acts as a co-legislator with the Council in a growing number of areas. Although clearly the creation, or agents, of the member governments, these supranational organizations possess powers and preferences distinct from those of their member-state principals, and they have frequently been posited by both practitioners and academic observers as the embodiment of the project of European integration. The Commission of the European Union was established as one of the two executive institutions of the European Communities (EC). As opposed to the Council of the European Union, which represents the Member States, the Commission has been regarded as both the European, or supranational, and the administrative arm of the EC executive. The term refers to both the collectivity of the Commissioners (currently 20 in number) and the administrative apparatus that serves them. ... As to supervision, the Commission was given a general responsibility to ensure that other EC institutions and the Member States fulfilled those tasks and provisions assigned to them under the founding treaties. It had a duty to ensure that decisions taken by the Council were carried out, or adhered to, by the Member States, making it responsible for the implementation of EC legislation (for more detailed information see Elgstrm, 2005, p. 214). With the establishment of the EU, the European Commission continued to uphold the founding treaties and the acquis communautaire by monitoring other institutions and the Member States, although its exclusive right of initiative was compromised. In extreme circumstances, it can seek to enforce implementation by prosecuting an offending institution or Member State in the Court of Justice. The Commission is also required to advise on matters regarding the treaties, and even volunteers advice where it deems necessary. In order to fulfill this function, the Commission has had to develop a vast network of consultative and advisory bodies and contacts. It continues to take decisions in conjunction with the Council and the EP or, as with the CAP and competition policy, in its own right. The TEU gave it additional initiative authority in the areas of social policy and economic and monetary union (EMU). The Treaty further gave the Commission the right to be fully involved in the work of the tw o intergovernmental pillars that would stand alongside the EC: it can seek to initiate action within these pillars and even propose that some areas of responsibility should be transferred to the EC pillar (Sieberson, 2004, p. 993). The Commission must also carry out the duties and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Week five questions Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week five questions - Speech or Presentation Example Hence, Greene was right to have acquired Heartland stock. The site can be used for 20 years before it reaches capacity. Bedford, which shares a facility in Bath Township with other municipalities, estimates that the new location will save $40,000 in annual operating costs. All operating costs, except depreciation, require cash outlays. On the basis of similar operations in other parts of the country, management anticipates that each trip will be sold out and that 120,000 passengers will be carried each season. Ignore income taxes. Columbia Enterprises is studying the replacement of some equipment that originally cost $74,000. The equipment is expected to provide six more years of service if $8,700 of major repairs are performed in two years. Annual cash operating costs total $27,200. Columbia can sell the equipment now for $36,000; the estimated residual value in six years is $5,000. New equipment is available that will reduce annual cash operating costs to $21,000. The equipment costs $103,000, has a service life of six years, and has an estimated residual value of $13,000. Company sales will total $430,000 per year with either the existing or the new equipment. Columbia has a minimum desired return of 12% and depreciates all equipment by the straight-line method. a. By using the net-present-value method, determine whether Columbia should keep its present equipment or acquire the new equipment. Round all calculations to the nearest dollar, and ignore income
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critically assess the view that using drugs leads to crime Essay
Critically assess the view that using drugs leads to crime - Essay Example These situations illustrate an obvious association between drugs and crime. However, it is difficult to accurately determine to what extent in which drugs could be considered the main motivation for crimes. A person under the influence of an illegal drug while committing a crime does not necessarily mean that the crime was drug-related. To what extent the drug clouded their judgment is subjective at best. That person may be a cigarette smoker as well but the crime would certainly not be classified as tobacco-related. Theories such as Strain, Labeling and Socialisation explain causations for crime and can also be applied to drug usage, but all drug users do not commit crimes and all criminals do not use drugs. The connections between drug use and crime are complex and explanations vary widely. This has been a topic that has garnered a considerable amount of attention for the past few decades among the public, media and politicians because of the considerable negative social and econom ic impact on society as a whole and the victims of crime. Some argue that laws make criminals out of drug users and distributors. Prohibition acts to encourage organized criminal activity because of the high profitability involved. In addition, the inflated expense of drugs is the main reason a user has to resort to crime to support their habit. Broadly differing arguments are offered regarding the degree to which criminal activity is driven by drug use. The term ‘drug user’ cannot be used without qualification when connecting this activity to crimes of any description. Drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine, (PCP), barbiturates and alcohol are more closely connected to criminal acts of violence than are heroin and marijuana according to current scientific literature (Wright & Klee, 2001). Some statistics that show a linkage from drug use to crime are generated from drug tests on prisoners. If the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Hunting and animals Essay Example for Free
Hunting and animals Essay Charles Dickens once said, â€Å"There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast. †I agree with this quote. Hunting is very exciting and fun. However, many disagree with me. No one rides the fence though. You either think that hunting is good or that hunting is bad. What do you believe? Do you think hunting is positive or negative? I believe hunting is good because it helps feed those in need, it helps control the population of wild animals, and it helps farmers who may have animals on their land they want to get rid of. A lot of people look at hunting and think of all the gruesome things we are going to do to Bambi. They never stop to think about what the hunter is doing with the game. Hunters aren’t just killing animals for fun, they use the meat to either eat or donate it. Several hunters give their game to people in need. They donate their meat to homeless shelters or food banks for less fortunate people that might not be able to afford to put enough food on the table. That way the people in need will be able to have a little bit extra on their plate. Hunting also helps control the population of wild animals. You can only hunt during a certain period of time during the year so that the animals are able to reproduce and won’t become extinct. You are also limited to the amount of game you can get. That way it won’t become a chaotic free-for-all and protects the animals from being wiped out. However, if hunting wasn’t legal, the population of wild animals would skyrocket. This would cause a boost in the already high number of car crashes due to animals, such as deer standing in the middle of the road. According to State Farm, an estimated 1. 5 million vehicles collide with deer in the United States. This caused over $1. 1 billion in property damage. These crashes also caused several injuries and deaths. Hunters must also pay to get their hunting license. The money they spend for their licenses go back to the conservation of the environment. Finally, hunting also gets rid of unwanted pests. Several animals annoy farmers and other land owners by messing with the farmer’s crops. Animals will go through the fields and eat the crops that the farmers can go out of business because the crops aren’t plentiful or good enough. For this reason we need hunters because farmers wouldn’t be able to succeed and all of us would suffer because the less crops coming into the stores, the more money the stores are going to ask for the customers to pay for the product. So actually vegetarians depend on hunters. Most vegetarians buy their vegetables from local stores. Hunters get rid of the animals that would ruin the food vegetarians would buy. Many people think hunting is wrong simply because they don’t look at the benefits that come with hunting. Hunting has many benefits including feeding others, controlling wildlife population, and helping farmers get rid of unwanted pests. For most hunters, the reward isn’t killing animals, it’s knowing they helped people that may not be able to survive or succeed without them. That’s what boosts my passion to hunt.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Satan As An Epic Hero In Paradise Lost Religion Essay
Satan As An Epic Hero In Paradise Lost Religion Essay The greatest writer after Shakespeare in 17 century is John Milton. John Milton (1608 -1674) was the most prominent English poet, thinker, and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. His masterpiece Paradise Lost arouses hot debates among scholars since it appeared. In that era, England is a religious unsteady and political shake-up nation. Concerning about the fate of his country, John Miltons poetry and prose all reflect deep confirmations and deal with contemporary issues. After his death, Miltons critical reception on a state of affairs continued to make great influence towards the masses through the centuries. He is still generally regarded as one of the remarkable writers and thinkers in English.Although he was born in a puritan family, John Milton boldly chose God and the devil Satan as the main roles in his work. Whats more, he endowed the latter one with heroic spirit which may risk everyones condemnation. Satans resistance to God mirrors the revolutionary and heroic spirit of the bourgeoisie. While he finally loses the joyful heaven and Adam and Eve lose the Eden. All these consequences are the hints of the capitalist classs failure and the feudalistic classs restoration. Can the devil be an epic hero? In John Miltons Paradise Lost- the great epic from the English Renaissance, this topic was discussed time and again. Numbers of scholars believe that Paradise lost should be one of the most outstanding products of the Renaissance, especially when talking about the question can the devil be an epic hero? For Miltons part, Satan is dauntless, quick-witted and powerful and he is also an excellent leader. He is quite distinctive from the traditional heroes in many famous works. In Paradise Lost, the Genesis story upon the corruption of man was recreated by the author, as a matter of fact, caused by Satan. For the sake of Satans deadly shortcomings of arrogance and ambition, he decided to fight with Heaven. In the end, even though he was defeated, he refused to give up his war against God, always betting to do wrong against the heaven and the human beings succeeding with mans fall from grace. Paradise Lost starts, not with the expected potential heroes of th e Genesis stories, God or man, but it begins instead with Satan, therefore paying great attention to him, his actions and characteristics. Milton, introduce Satan by condemning him as the reason leader to the fall of man, Who first seduced them to that foul revolt? /the infernal Serpent (1.33-34). in this sentence it implied that Satan had begun to be set up as the final rebel, not just of the epic, but of humanity. Milton easily represented Satans pride that led to his ultimate failure. He tried to overthrow God; while unluckily he was cast into the Hell, but Milton also told us, for now the thought/both of lost happiness and lasting pain/Torments him(1.55-56). At once, the author tried to make Satan to be a pitied, more human and less evil role. He also described Satans physical character to be in bulk as huge/as whom the fables name of monstrous size, / Titanian(1.196-198), and then Deeming some island, (1.205), which means that Satan has a vast figure and even a sailor would mak e a mistake. He may think that Satan is an island on which he can moor his boat. Satans size growing extreme larger comparing with the others supports Satan as the hero. Satan is so physically impressive that Milton cant find anyone who can match him. Hence he is distinctive from the other angels and men. In the English Renaissance, theres no doubt that John Miltons Paradise Lost was generally regarded as the main work. The Renaissance is believed to have originated in Florence in the fourteenth century, in which there was a revival of interest in the classical antiquity. Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, but also painters like Giotto were the important figures of that age. From the end of the fifteenth century on, it has become known as the High Renaissance, when some Italian cities started to compete with Florence upon the leading position. Therefore, the thought of Renaissance spread out from the early sixteenth century onwards. This revival and influence of classical culture, art and literature was typically represented in both Paradise Lost and La Divine Commedia, especially describing the setting of the underworld. This is a general literary motivation of the classical epic works. Inspired by all the literatures at that era, Milton decided to write his epic poem. Milton had a purpo se of writing an epic poem upon a noble subject decades before he started writing Paradise Lost in 1658. In his famous work At a vacation Exercise in the College (1628), he already mentioned that he would like to devote himself to singing in the manner of Homer and at the same time, he envisioned writing a poem concerning wars and heaven under Jupiter. Notes and drafts from around 1640 include four drafts of projections of the fall of man, one of them called Paradise Lost and another Adam unparadizd. It took Milton almost twenty years writing controversial prose and political pamphlets and he was a strong supporter of liberty of conscience, free will and human choice. The story itself shows that the fall from heaven of Satan and the other angels who betrayed against God. As a matter of fact, the Renaissance humanism can be easily found in this work. It quickly developed during the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth century, and was also a resounding response to the challe nge of medieval scholastic education. It emphasized the practical, scientific and pre-professional studies. On the contrary, sHYPERLINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scholasticismcholasticism pay much attention to cultivating the preparing men to be doctors, lawyers or professional theologians, and their subjects contain logic, natural philosophy, medicine, law and theology, etc.. Opposite from the training professionals in jargon and serious drill, humanists did all they could to create a citizenry who was able to speak and write with eloquence and clearness. For this reason, they would be capable of persuading others to engage the civic life of their communities virtuously and do some cautious actions. Because Miltons work was deeply influenced by the Classics, Paradise Lost can be classified as an epic. Thanks to this masterpiece, the poet Milton is still famous until now. Many scholars believe that this work is one of the most prominent products of the Renaissance and particularly as to the topic can the devil be an epic hero? Satan in Miltons eyes was bold, resourceful and formidable and as well an excellent leader. When reading the work, after a few pages, the reader may indeed get the impression that Satan is a great epic hero of that age. Milton did not deny the truth of the bible so as to establish the freedom of the individual. He built on the great Christian paradox which asserted that true freedom depended on the service for God. This pull the traditional thought into a new setting, even a revolutionary setting, is Miltons great power. When talked about the aim of the poet to write this poem, it was to find the root of the humans unfortunateness. For his part, he believed the reason that human beings were easy to be swayed by their emotions, chose the wrong way and finally lose their joyful paradise was for the sake of their weak reason and nerves. The fall of Eve was due to her aimlessness for finding new knowledge. The fall of Adam was due to his indulgence to Eve. The fall of Satan was due to his great ambitions and self-satisfaction. Through their bitter experience, Milton wanted to imply that the English capitalist classs bitter loss was due to their moral corruption and voluptuousness. He inherited the humanism in 16 century and at the same time, accepted the new scientific achievement in 17 century. However, he held a critical attitude towards them. He confirmed life trick but he denied the unlimited pleasure. He confirmed enterprise and sense of proud while he denied the ambitions and proud which evolve fro m them. He confirmed science while he also thought that science didnt mean all. If people only had science but no ideal and justice, they would never get peace and happy. Such kind of thinking was the reflection of his Puritanism. Milton criticized the proud Satan inwardly, while emotionally he sympathized Satans status, because the punishment of Satan looks so much like the pressure of the capital class. When descried the hell, although Milton kept on saying that Satan was proud, ambitious, from the dialogues, Satan was just a vivid oppressed revolutionary. This image was so splendid, and his fighting determination stood out brightly against the extreme dangerous hell. This was the indelible memory of English bourgeoisie, also a prominent art achievement. Satan was a role who had significant obstacles to overcome in order to realize his goals. In the historical long river, epic heroes in epic poetry shared some similar characteristics, thus it seems like Milton felt his own duty to make Satan to be the epic hero in Paradise Lost. His characteristics in the poem shared some similarities with those of previous epic heroes such as Odysseus. Epic heroes have some likeness. They are quite powerful, brave, and convincing; no matter what odds are against them, they will get rid of the difficulties and achieve their goals, and most important of all, they are leaders. Actually, Satan possesses of such kind of the qualities in Paradise Lost. First of all, in the first beginning, Satan had lost the war he fight against God and the angels in heaven and was chained on the burning lake. Satan and his fellow rebel angels were banished to live in horrid dwellings. Milton described the discomfort of hell mentioned by Satan Oh how unlike the place from whence they fell! There the companions of his fall, overwhelmed with floods and whirlwinds of tempestuous fire (1.97). This shows that Satan met with important obstacles as most epic heroes encounter. Satan was powerful and large in size which usually personifies epic heroes. Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge as whom the fables name of monstrous size, Titanian or Earth-born, which warred on Jove (1.95).  Milton shows that Satan was also the reflection of bravery and leadership because Satan, although currently in censure, still upholds his principles that enlisted him in hell in the first place. He says all is not lost the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome? That glory never shall his wrath or might extort from me (1.106-111). The core of Satans heroism in this poem is that though that he would fight against all the odds, he was still in favor of his own beliefs and fought till the end to preserve his beliefs. He says We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure; and, in my choice, to reign is worth ambition, though in Hell: Better to reign in the Hell than serve in Heaven (1.259-263). Satan and his rebel angels achieve the ideology which was As being the contrary to His high with whom we resist. If then His providence, Out of our evil seek to bring forth good, Our labor must be to pervert that end, And out of good still to find means of evil(1.161-165). Satan inspired the openly opposition to God and uprooted the passion of his followers to continue their fury of damaging God. All he his followers were persuaded during his speech Can make a Heaven of Hell, and a Hell of Heaven (1.255). Satan and his adherents wanted no parts of Heaven any more because they couldnt bear to service for God any longer. Thus they were adamant about creating their own Kingdom in hell where they would call Gods precious mankind up. All in all, the characteristics of Satan and his actions corporately made him the competitor of the epic hero role in Paradise Lost.  Milton portrayed Satan as a vengeful, manipulative, trickish, lying, and vicious individual. Nevertheless, Milton also showed Satans loyalty to the objective that he and the rebellious angels were pursuing. But first of all, lets begin with Satins vengeful ways. To begin with, Satan was seen as vengeful because even though hed already been punished and thrown to the pits of hell from heaven, he still remains firm in his rebellion of the Almighty and seeks to damage heaven. Satan and his constituents s malevolence was so obvious in their decision that they wouldnt attack Heaven through war, but attack the newest creation of God, Man. Satan volunteered his services to seduce them to our party, that their God May prove their foe, and with repenting hand Abolish his own works. This would surpass Common revenge, and interrupt his joy (2.-371). Besides, Satan was manipulative and trickish because to further his mission of seducing and corrupting man on earth, he had to design a perfect met hod to enter the gate of earth, and thus he casts to change his proper shape which else might work him danger or delay: and now a stripling Cherub he appears(634-636). In an attempt to cheat and manipulate the guard Uriel, Satan transformed into a cherub which is a humbly ranked angel in heaven. From this we can find that he is quite a scheming individual. Whats more, Satan demonstrated the acts of lying and deceit when he corrupted Eves mind in the Garden of Eden and persuaded her to pick the fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge. He transformed himself once again into a snake, and instigated Eve that she could eat from the tree of knowledge. So glistered the dire Snake, and into fraud Led Eve, our credulous mother, to the tree of prohibition, root of all our woe (10.643-645). All of these actions- lying, manipulation, deceit, and the risks committed by Satan show his loyalty to the purpose. For the sake of destroying mankind just to annoy God immensely shows his loyalty and c ontribution. Milton clearly emphasizes the character of Satan through his high detailed recounts of Satans mischief. Satan had become a by any means type of attitude when it came to pleading his honor and upholding his beliefs which led to the deception, manipulation, and lying that he was notorious for throughout Paradise Lost. He was the epic hero in the story because in this story he was the underdog. No one expected for him to be fully victorious in his displays, and while he might not fully accomplished all goals. It was proved that he was firm in his plot against God. In the summary part, Milton expressed the differences between human beings and Satan. Different from Satan and his followers, Adam and Eve didnt choose a destructive gamble. Adversely, they kept a hopeful and humble behavior. Adam even assimilated himself to the corruptive archangel saying that his pain was never before and never again. Nevertheless, the biggest difference was when they faced with the possible choices, human beings chose hope while Satan chose a gambling revenge. An essential conception here was that previous life was doomed. John Milton quite opposed this idea. He was strongly in favor of the free willingness. As the plot spread, the distinctions between human and Satan gradually expressed. Adam and Eve denied the opinion of Satan that all people should sink with ignorance, and they decided to be submissive to God under his arrangement. Different from Satans determination to revenge on all the violated deities, people chose to be peaceful to the omnipotent God. Sata n couldnt absolutely repent and mend his ways or pray for forgiveness in such a desperate condition. Although he was firm, he was defeated by the holy son who was bestowed the spirit and power by God. No matter whether we were in favor of Satan and his troops sacrifice or human beings final submission, Milton insisted on the terminal decision of the inner heart throughout. In spite of failure, Satan was fully confident that he couldnt help facing with such condition. And that Adam and Eve knew their happy heaven had been lost, so they hope to regard it as a realm which their soul could arrive. They hoped that their spirit could live here. Though won the war and be called the winner, the holy son didnt experience the conversion or adventure like other characters. Although the revolution was a failure, the revolutionaries were bloodily suppressed; Miltons revolutionary fighting would never be deducted. To convey this topic, the devout believer Milton described God as a cruel feudal monarchy and a blinkered tyrant at all cost so that he could allude to the cruel repression to the puritans of Charlie à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¡ at that black age. The greatest opponent and the most vicious devil Satan was fashioned into a handsome, tall and smart revolutionary leader for the sake of singing the praises of revolutionaries. Satans rebellion was put down by God, and the devil party was thrown into the fire lake for sufferings; however, Satan never loses his fighting will, he was adversely active to organize his own force and waited for rising from the ashes. He built his own palace as a new kingdom in the hell and openly content against God. He preferred being the king in the hell to submitting to God as an official in the heaven. From this we can find his tire less fighting spirit towards the God, the authority and the highest dictator. The author borrowed the image of Satan to express his own anger and contempt towards the feudal tyrant Charlie à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¡ and his firm confidence towards the revolutionary success. Thanks to his revolutionary passion, his Satan was full of sound and color and surpassed his god morally. The hero of this poem is a man named Satan who is banished for challenging the leadership of the clan. This man Satan makes a vow to destroy or corrupt anything created by the clan. This Satan was resourceful, making the best of what he had, very little, and accomplishing his goal. Satan may just be the nonconformist who couldnt abide by what was considered normal. In any case one must show their admiration for Satan in his unwillingness to serve in Heaven, and then in the way he accepted his resulting role in Hell. Although it was quite hard to prove who the real hero was in Paradise Lost, as a whole, sprit-internal perfect, intelligent independence and individual power in this masterpiece give people the comprehensive epic virtue. Fundamentally, Milton abandoned the whole epic conception in this work and changed it into an experience of immediate concern to himself. This experience wasnt his flattery to his culture and beliefs, but a real chance for readers spiritual practice. No matter how painful a person is, John Miltons Paradise Lost will awake him up after experiencing such a spiritual trip and convert the intangible blackness into wholesome consciousness and bright mind. People may say that Milton fight for republic form of government and exposed Satan. While from his condemnation to Satans audaciousness and infidelity, more than once display the false faces and insincere attitude of English bourgeoisie activists. Yet Satans fearless lofty quality, to a large extent, eulogized his cotemp oraries heroic dauntless spirit.
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