Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How Other Facts Lead British - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1055 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category History Essay Level High school Topics: American Revolution Essay Did you like this example? During the 18th century, Britain was being in a very strong time. Their industry and technology developed rapidly, which helped their military to expand. Especially the navy, at that time, the advanced technology helps the British navy became the most powerful army in the whole world. As well as they also have a lot of colonies separate in the whole world, the support from outside source helped Britain develop. During that time American just a one of the British colony. their army cannot compare with the British army, and in most time they were protected by redcoat. And because they were the colony, their policy and social and economy trade were controlled by Britain. Therefore, the American actually didnt have power to against with British. However, the result of the American Revolution was beyond expectation. Even American without the help of France, between the British leaders, lacked unity and the right strategy, which reduced their military power. During that time the British force power was also influenced by chaos within the military. Plus they havent enough support in the colonies. Those facts also lead the British fail in the American revolutionary war. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Other Facts Lead British" essay for you Create order First, British believe that their forces can defeat any force in the world, and they have the right to believe that, but during the war, it makes their commanders often over-relax and leads their leader lacked unity and the right strategy, and make them belittle the enemy. John M. Taylor mentioned that University of Virginia historian Andrew OShaughnessy, after examining the factors that led to Britains defeat, he comes up with no single scapegoat. Britains defeat was a team effort(1..). The bad attitudes lead British commanders lost their victory. The battle of Yorktown is the best example to show British poor solidarity. Rachel McBrayer article record that during the battle of Yorktown Cornwallis lost a quarter of his army in the battle, leading him to abandon the backcountry of the Carolinas and move his army to Wilmington on the North Carolina coast to resupply and rest his troops. Cornwalliss unsanctioned decision to then march his army to Yorktown, Virginia, effectively hastened the end of the British Southern Strategy (2..). This battle during the American Revolution was important and it can directly influence the result of the American Revolutionary War. But from this battles, it obviously shows that the British did not skillfully change their plans. The leader also didnt have a good communication to design proper strategies. Cornwallis should communicate with other British generals when he made a plan. If they didnt have a comprehensive strategy, everything will be messed up. So, even their equipment and army are better than American force, but the fail group effort produced the bad strategies and ultimately lead British fail in the revolutionary war. Second, the power of British force was influenced by chaos within the military. During that time, Even the British has the most powerful military in the world, but their soldiers are chaotic and leader has corruption. So, during the war, the British army always with a terrible morale. First, The vulgarity of British soldiers came from that British allowed the informal soldier to join the army. Berkshire told a government minister that he held men condemned for highway robbery and horse stealing, but who were exceedingly proper fellows for either the Land or the Sea Service(3..). Then the bad moral of official corruption, for example, officers were not entitled to free rations while in garrison, but many made arrangements with the commissary agents to provide them, their families, and their friends with free food.(4..). There has recorded that Americans had been scandalized by the vulgarity of British soldiers, and they came to believe that success in the war depended on their individual moral character and that of their new nation (5..). The information proved that informal soldiers and corrupt officers had always existed and they had led to poor morale in the British army. Moreover, informal soldiers are less loyal than formal soldiers, and corrupt officials may make British soldiers uneasy, which lead a decline in soldiers loyalty to officers. If a states armed forces do not have a good morale, their military quality will decline, also the teamwork will be affected. According to the American thought ( the British soldiers did not have a good morality)at that time, if Britain continued to develop in this way, Britain could not succeed in the war. During the American Revolution, the British havent enough support from the colonies. First is the British refuse the support from royalists in colonies. And British military leader did not trust the royalists and preferred to rely on its own army. OShaughnessy indicates that the politicians and generals refused to make Loyalists equal participants in the war, insisting that American officers be subordinate to Britons of the same rank. (6..). Second is the tax policy has reduced American support for Britain, for example, the stamp tax, it has impacted all Americans, but in particular, it was taken as an offense by the merchants and lawyers; it angered everyone. Thereafter, riots broke out in several states(7..). The stamp tax dissatisfied the American. Those people who were oppressed by British unfair policy will not support the British anymore. British failed to utilize the Royalists of the whole colony because British did not fully trust them and they preferred to rely on their own troops. This reduces pressure of Royalist for Patriots. Then, due to British army lost their support in American, they will have more difficulty during the war. And the colonies were so vast. If the British did not have enough support from Royalists and American colonists, they will havent enough manpower to allow them to control the expansion of the Patriots and win any battle In conclusion, the British military surely has some problem during the American revolutionary war, and those problems affect the British force power. It is also clear that their leaders have not good unity and they didnt devise the tactics to suit them during the battle. Informal soldiers and corrupt officers led to moral chaos in the British army. The British also failed to utilize the Royalists of the whole colony and they have less support in America. According to those facts, the lack of solidarity, lack of moral and lack of support all impact the victory of Britain.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Resolving of Substantive and Emotional Conflicts in the Organizations Case Study
Essays on Resolving of Substantive and Emotional Conflicts in the Organizations Case Study The paper â€Å"Resolving of Substantive and Emotional Conflicts in the Organizations" is a spectacular variant of a case study on management. Conflict can be defined as a state of persistence unresolved differences between people, groups or within an individual. The parties involved in the conflict usually have a pressing need which should be addressed and they get frustrated because they are not in a position to get what they believe should be given to them or they have been denied what they believe should be rightfully theirs---promotion, wage increment, gift, and many others. It can extend to disagreement for social issues within the working environment due to a lack of understanding between individuals or a group of people within the organization (Resnick, 1983). Such kind of conflict is detrimental to organization performance has it can hinder the performance within the organization. Nelson and Campel (2003) say that conflict cause persistence friction among groups and individ uals hence hindering the smooth flow of work in a company.There are majorly two types of conflict that can exist in any organization and these are; substantive conflict and emotional conflict (Nelson and Campbell, 2003). Substantive conflict can be defined as the disagreement which exists between two or more groups or individuals over the goals or ends to be pursued and accomplished within an organization and the means to be used in their accomplishment, this kind of disagreement is usually principle-based conflict like difference on accounting principle to be used in profit realization method in an organization or method to be used in resolving a conflict which exist in a company (Plaks et al, 2005). This type of conflict is majorly common in large companies with the different department who have different objectives and goals to achieve. This is because as each and every department will try to achieve its goals, friction will arise more so if the goals are parallel but interdepend ent in one way or the other.The second type of conflict is emotional conflict. In most cases emotional conflict occurs between groups or individuals and it can be defined as interpersonal differences or difficulties that comes out as a result of feelings of anger, betrayal, dislike of either party, fear of unknown action from either party, resentment and mistrust among the parties (Mc Shane and Von Glinow, 2002). People have different moods each day, likes and dislikes, taste and preferences and make them be unique and different from one another. If these differences are not managed well they can result in irreconcilable conflict within the organization (Adler, 2002). Since it is a very common type of conflict in any organization, the management should take a keen interest in handling this kind of conflict whenever it arises as it can slow down the organization performance due to the fact that the parties in the conflict will not be free to work with one another.Both conflicts can b e theorized as social and it is the approach that has been used to categorize the two. According to this approach or theory, the main point of concern is usually imbalance existing regarding resources, money, and power. This conflict, just like it is witnessed by John and Tania, can happen in any setting---industrial, firm or familial. While researches continue to discover new elements, social theory resonates around details on how when and where socially related conflict can occur. The reason behind the actions of the social groups falling apart is always dependent on the mutual benefit attached (Adler, 2002).
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Social Networks Advantages and Disadvantages Free Essays
Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Imagine being stripped of your privileges to have access to social network sites such as facebook, twitter, myspace, and/or instagram†¦How would you reach out to family and friends you don’t get a chance to communicate with often? b. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages or any similar topic only for you Order Now Name: Hello my name is Kenyatta Stephens c. Topic: Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages (SLIDE) d. Relevance: Social network sites are sites that majority of us, if not all of us, engage in on a daily basis – â€Å"According to the 2012 Statistic Brain Research Institute, members located in The United States use social network sites approximately 7. 8 hours per month. †www. statisticbrain. com e. Credibility: Personal Experience Research f. Preview Statement: Today I will be informing you all about what social network sites (SNSs) are, their advantages and their disadvantages. g. Transition Statement: First, I would like to talk to you about what social network sites are and a few statistics. II. What are social network sites (SNSs)? h. Define – (SLIDE) – â€Å"SNSs are web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. †Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2007. www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. com i. – â€Å"According to the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, the first recognizable social network site was launched in 1997. †www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. om j. (SLIDE) – Different social network sites i. SixDegress ii. Classmates iii. Ryze iv. Tribe v. Myspace vi. Facebook vii. Instagram viii. Twitter k. (SLIDE) – Social Networking Statistics ix. Billions of users worldwide x. 98% of users are between the ages of 18-24 xi. The United States is among the top ten countries most engaged in social networking with an average of 7. 8 hours per month. Internal Summary: Now that I have defined SNSs and I have briefly discussed the different sites and statistics, I will tell you about the advantages that come along with SNSs. III. Advantages – (SLIDE) . Keep in touch with friends, classmates, and relatives m. Send/receive messages and upload/share photos and videos n. Not bound by any geographical and cultural differences o. Build a network of contacts and interact with a lot of people p. Promote business, services, products, and parties Internal Summary: Now that I have discussed some of the advantages of SNSs, I want to inform you about the disadvantages. IV. Disadvantages – (SLIDE) q. High rate of scams/fraud r. People waste valuable time s. Online harassment t. Personal secrets/information become public u. Employers and Government Agencies access Transition Statement: Now that I have told you what Social Network Sites are, their advantages, and their disadvantages, I would like to conclude my speech with a word of advice. V. Conclusion – (SLIDE) v. Be aware of the information you put out on any social network site. w. My take away – Using a bit of concern with your profiles in social media networks can help you in your personal and professional life. Sharing experiences and communicating with others has never been a crime, but it would be wise to think about the consequences of your action. How to cite Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages, Papers
Social Networks Advantages and Disadvantages Free Essays
Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Imagine being stripped of your privileges to have access to social network sites such as facebook, twitter, myspace, and/or instagram†¦How would you reach out to family and friends you don’t get a chance to communicate with often? b. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages or any similar topic only for you Order Now Name: Hello my name is Kenyatta Stephens c. Topic: Social Network Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages (SLIDE) d. Relevance: Social network sites are sites that majority of us, if not all of us, engage in on a daily basis – â€Å"According to the 2012 Statistic Brain Research Institute, members located in The United States use social network sites approximately 7. 8 hours per month. †www. statisticbrain. com e. Credibility: Personal Experience Research f. Preview Statement: Today I will be informing you all about what social network sites (SNSs) are, their advantages and their disadvantages. g. Transition Statement: First, I would like to talk to you about what social network sites are and a few statistics. II. What are social network sites (SNSs)? h. Define – (SLIDE) – â€Å"SNSs are web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. †Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2007. www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. com i. – â€Å"According to the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, the first recognizable social network site was launched in 1997. †www. Onlinelibrary. wiley. om j. (SLIDE) – Different social network sites i. SixDegress ii. Classmates iii. Ryze iv. Tribe v. Myspace vi. Facebook vii. Instagram viii. Twitter k. (SLIDE) – Social Networking Statistics ix. Billions of users worldwide x. 98% of users are between the ages of 18-24 xi. The United States is among the top ten countries most engaged in social networking with an average of 7. 8 hours per month. Internal Summary: Now that I have defined SNSs and I have briefly discussed the different sites and statistics, I will tell you about the advantages that come along with SNSs. III. Advantages – (SLIDE) . Keep in touch with friends, classmates, and relatives m. Send/receive messages and upload/share photos and videos n. Not bound by any geographical and cultural differences o. Build a network of contacts and interact with a lot of people p. Promote business, services, products, and parties Internal Summary: Now that I have discussed some of the advantages of SNSs, I want to inform you about the disadvantages. IV. Disadvantages – (SLIDE) q. High rate of scams/fraud r. People waste valuable time s. Online harassment t. Personal secrets/information become public u. Employers and Government Agencies access Transition Statement: Now that I have told you what Social Network Sites are, their advantages, and their disadvantages, I would like to conclude my speech with a word of advice. V. Conclusion – (SLIDE) v. Be aware of the information you put out on any social network site. w. My take away – Using a bit of concern with your profiles in social media networks can help you in your personal and professional life. Sharing experiences and communicating with others has never been a crime, but it would be wise to think about the consequences of your action. How to cite Social Networks: Advantages and Disadvantages, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Best Method Measuring Blood Pressure
Question: Discuss about the Best Method for Measuring Blood Pressure. Answer: Introduction Blood pressure is the force/ pressure exerted by blood on the arterial walls when it flows through arteries. It maintains the needed flow of blood between heart and body organs. An accurate blood pressure measurement in children is very essential to prevent cardio vascular disorders. According to recent studies, hypertension is found to be increasing in children of many countries (Vidal, 2013). The increasing blood pressure should be controlled to prevent heart attacks and brain stroke. The hypertension that begins in the childhood period may be carried to adult stage and so early detection and prompt treatment of hypertension in children is required. In case of pediatric hypertension, there are several doubts about the accuracy of instruments and reference standards for comparing blood pressure. This is because of the constant change in blood pressure of the pediatrics based on their growth and development (Douglas, 2012). Various blood pressure measurement devices for children are available as non-automated, semi-automated and automated devices. This essay discusses about the auscultation and oscillometric methods of blood pressure measurement and evidences supporting their usage in children. Revising the problem and the question Basically, all the children above three years of age should be monitored for blood pressure every year (Douglas, 2012). There are various methods of blood pressure measurement in children as auscultating method (including mercury sphygmomanometer and aneroid devices), semi automated and automated (oscillometric) method. The auscultation method is the oldest method of measuring blood pressure. In this method, the technique of measuring blood pressure is that the cuffpressurebecomes more than the diastolicpressureand the systolic pressure is decreased. A tapping sound that is associated with the flow of blood called Korotkoff sounds are measured by using stethoscope whereas in oscillometric method, BP is measured by automated devices. These devices are mostly used in small children, critically ill and unstable children, at the time of invasive procedure and if frequent monitoring of a child is needed as intravenous blood pressure medications. In olden days, the auscultating method using mercury sphygmomanometer is considered as the golden standard of measuring blood pressure. But use of mercury sphygmomanometer was banned (Pickering, 2005).Then they were replaced by aneroid devices. Even these devices very also less accurate and often requires frequent calibrations.Later, it was replaced by other auscultating devices as hybrid sphygmomanometers by replacing mercury in devices. These devices have both auscultating and electronic features with pressure gauge but the same measurement technique of mercury device is followed. The main drawback is that, mercury is a human- neurotoxin. If it breaks, it will cause mercury toxicity in children. The health care institutions contribute to the mercury pollution by spills, device breaks and burning of mercury waste (Ogedegbe, 2010). The measurement of blood pressure in children is difficult as the appropriate selection of cuff based on the arm size is needed. Moreover measuring readings in small children, restless and irritable infants and children is difficult. Taking blood pressure by auscultation method takes time for measuring and the child may not cooperate. The stethoscope should be placed too firmly on the ante-cubital fossa of child which may cause auscultation errors and the child may not allow keeping stethoscope often. The korotkoff sounds are very difficult to hear in children as they will be of lower frequency and amplitude. For this pediatric bell could be used. Comparatively use of oscillometric method is perfect for a pediatric (Douglas, 2012). Locate best evidence and critically appraise evidence Eliasdottir (2013) has conducted a comparative study on the use of aneroid and oscillometric blood pressure measurements in children to investigate the difference in blood pressure obtained using oscillometric and aneroid blood pressure monitors in 9 to 10 year old children. He states that there was no apparent difference between the mean systolic blood pressure readings that is obtained by using these two methods but the mean of diastolic pressure was low in case of oscillometric devices. A decreased expression of BP with every consecutive reading was observed in both methods which suggest that multiple blood measurement is needed for both the methods before diagnosing the child to have hypertension. Flynn (2012) has assessed the reliability of blood pressure measurement and its classification by using an oscillometric model in children with chronic renal disease. He concluded that as compared to auscultation method, the oscillometric method apparently overestimates the blood pressure of a child leading to misclassification of blood pressure. This is similar to a study in which Dinamap oscillometric device was assessed by comparing sequential blood pressure readings in 63 patients by using mercury and Dinamap-8100 device in Australia (Heinemann, 2008). It was found that the blood pressure measured with Dinamap was apparently lower than that of mercury sphygmomanometer. The researcher concluded that Dinamap device can be used for systolic blood pressure but not for diastolic measurement. In 2012, Shah has compared the use of mercury and aneroid devices in youth. He found that both mercury and aneroid methods produce equal measure. This was also supported by a study conducted by Ma (2008) which implies that there is no difference in both these devices. In contrast, Markandu (2000) has conducted a study on mercury devices and found that 38% of devices had dirty mercury columns, 21% of markings were not clear due to mercury oxidation, 18% had obscured and faded markings and 3 with leaking mercury, 8% with worn out, splits and damaged cuff, 35% cuffs didnt stick and 7 with wrong size. This study states that mercury devices should be replaced by advanced methods whereas Shah (2004) suggests that mercury devices are more accurate. In auscultation method, there are greater chances of both observer and methodological errors. The observer errors may include the preference of finger digit, lack of attention, rapid and more cuff deflations and hearing deficits. It may cause methodological errors such as not accounting the variations in pulse and not comparing the beats sequence (Jahangir, 2015). On the other hand, oscillometric devices eliminate the observer errors that occur in auscultation method. But there are discrepancies in accuracy of oscillometric devices on children with hypotension, hypertensive and cardiac arrhythmia children leading to inappropriate treatment (Jahangir, 2015). In spite of these inaccuracies; they are sufficiently accurate for the clinical purposes. Moreover, oscillometric devices are completely automated and hence observer participation is needed other than placing the cuff and recording the blood pressure. In this, the cuff is inflated and deflated electronically which avoids cuff pres sure alterations that affect blood pressure. The pressure wave produced by the brachial arterial wall is sensed by a transducer in the device. There are no particular systolic and diastolic pressure points on the pressure wave and so they are calculated electronically using an algorithm (Jahangir, 2015). There are a variety of these devices in market having different algorithms. Oscillometric method requires no transducer to be placed on the brachial artery, and is less affected by external noise. It is useful in home care setting. But the pressure sensor should be calibrated to maintain accuracy. Its measurement requires lesser skill than that of auscultator technique and could be used by an untrained staff and for home monitoring (Ogedegbe, 2010). Alpert, 2014 has conducted a study on using oscillometric blood pressure and suggested that these devices have developed as clinical standard due to simple training need, less cost and mercury ban in many countries. All the evidences suggest that using oscillometric devices for blood pressure is easy and effective. Recommendations To summarize, mercury can cause environmental pollution and neuro-toxic to children and so its usage should be banned. WHO (2005) instructed to remove mercury devices from hospitals. Many countries have replaced mercury devices with other devices. Yet, few studies suggest that mercury sphygmomanometers are needed to get accurate readings. Even if automated devices are available, mercury readings are needed to generalize the results. Based on the review of these devices, the following result is summarized. The aneroid devices should be appropriately calibrated and maintained to be equal or more accurate than that of mercury device. It has to be calibrated every 6 months to maintain accuracy. The validated oscillometric models should have digital displays to promote accuracy and to remove inter observer changes in BP measurement of children (Buchanan, 2009). Even if there is good evidence about oscillometric models, they are not validated to be used in some conditions as arrhythmias in children. All the aneroid and oscillometric devices that are available on the market should be validated with same protocols to maintain uniformity. Oscillometric devices may eliminate the observer errors that are associated withauscultatorymethods. But apparent differences are observed between both measurements. It is both device and user dependent. Moreover they are used by untrained persons and in homes. Previously, mercury device was considered as golden standard. Yet using electronic pressure gauge is more reliable than mercury device in repeated measure of pressure. The use of oscillometric devices seems to be superior to other types. Therefore these devices should be used as substitute for mercury devices for validation purposes. It appears that oscillometric device with most accurate calibrating protocol should be adapted validating organizations. Conclusion To conclude, blood pressure measurement devices should be reliable and suitable for all age groups. Nowadays people measure BP for needed children at home regularly. Mostly mercury should be avoided for children as it may cause toxicity. The results suggest that the measurement of BP in children is difficult, yet to get accurate result oscillometric devices should be used. Reference Alpert, B.S.,Quinn, D. Gallick, D. (2014). Oscillometric blood pressure: a review for clinicians. J Am Soc Hypertens.8(12):930-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jash.2014.08.014 Buchanan, S. (2009). The Accuracy of Alternatives to Mercury Sphygmomanometers. Retrieved from https://noharm.org/sites/default/files/.../Accuracy_Alts_Mercury_Sphyg_rev10-09.pdf Douglas, C. (2012). Potter and Perrys Fundamentals of Nursing- Australian version. (4th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. Eliasdottir, S.B. (2013). Comparison of aneroid and oscillometric blood pressure measurements in children: J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich).15(11):776-83. doi: 10.1111/jch.12196 Flynn, J.T.,Pierce, C.B.,Miller, E.R. Charleston, J. (2012). Reliability of resting blood pressure measurement and classification using an oscillometric device in children with chronic kidney disease: J Pediatr.60(3):434-440.doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2011.08.071. Gilhotra, Y. Willis, F. (2006). Blood pressure measurements on children in the emergency department:Emerg Med Australians.18:148.[PubMed] Heinemann, M. (2008). Automated versus manual blood pressure measurement: A randomized crossover trial: Int J Nurs Pract.14:296-302. Jahangir, E. (2015). Blood Pressure Assessment. Retrieved from https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1948157-overview#a7 Ma,Y. (2008). Evaluating the accuracy of an aneroid sphygmomanometer in a clinical trial setting: Am J Hypertension: 1-4. Markandu, N.D. (2000). The mercury sphygmomanometer should be abandoned before it is proscribed: J Hum Hypertens.14:31-36 Ogedegbe, G. (2010). Principles and techniques of blood pressure measurement: Cardiol Clin. 28(4): 571586. doi:10.1016/j.ccl.2010.07.006 Pickering, T.G., Hall, J.E. Appel, L.J. (2005). Recommendations for blood pressure measurement in humans and experimental animals: Part 1: blood pressure measurement in humans:Hypertension.45:142.[PubMed] Shah, N. (2004). Sphygmomanometers. An audit in general practice: Aust Fam Phys.33:952-954. Shah, S. A. (2012). Comparison of Mercury and Aneroid Blood Pressure Measurements in Youth: Pediatrics. 129(5): 12051210. doi:10.1542/peds.2011-3087 Vidal, E. (2013). Blood pressure measurement in children: which method? which is the gold standard: J Nephrol. 26(6):986-92. doi: 10.5301/jn.5000244. World Health Organization. (2005). Department of Protection of the Human Environment Water, Sanitation and Health. Mercury in Health Care.
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