Monday, August 24, 2020
Judicial Resolutions to State School Financing Case Study
Legal Resolutions to State School Financing - Case Study Example In its decision, the Court found that poor networks needed to have a high duty rates to create generally low per-student income while well off networks could have low expense rates yet still produce moderately high per-understudy income (Merrow, 2004). The Court opined that wealthy areas can have it both ways; they can give excellent instruction to their kids while settling lower charges. Poor areas, paradoxically, have no cake by any stretch of the imagination (Coon, 1999, refering to Serrano). While trying to address such an unpredictable social issue, the Court applied the equivalent insurance investigation of riches as a presume characterization by expanding it just because to class locale and eventually requested the state lawmaking body to change school financing laws (Coon, 1999). Resulting enactment was passed that was intended to even out school financing by expanding state assets for poor networks while setting a limit for per-understudy incomes in affluent regions and redistributing a portion of their neighborhood property assessments to poor regions (Merrow, 2004). Notwithstanding, the Court had neglected to consider that 75% of poor youngsters lived in high spending regions, and it viably prompted low school spending for most poor kids (Merrow, 2004). Also, the general population was perplexed in making good on property charges and in supporting any expansion in property burdens that were not helping their nearby schools (Merrow, 2004). Legal Resolutions 4 In light of the current and proceeding with abberations in school subsidizing and instructive variations, it is far fetched that the Serrano choice can be credited with characterizing and realizing the instructive equity that its unique supporters were seeking after in their applause following the Court's decision. Be that as it may, the case can solidly be credited with realizing huge modification in school financing in California and it prodded a quick rush of comparable decisions and authoritative activity in different states (Brimley, 2003). The impacts of those updates, even considering ensuing cases that appeared to govern despite what might be expected, have endured through the most recent quite a few years and keep on affecting training today. San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (1973) In San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez, 411 U.S. 1 (1973), gives fundamentally the same as those in Serrano were under the watchful eye of the Supreme Court of the United States. The San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD), following up in the interest of understudies whose families dwelled in poor locale, tested the Texas state subsidizing plan by contending that it abused the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause by underprivileging such understudies on the grounds that their schools did not have the tremendous property
Saturday, August 22, 2020
ESL Conversation Lesson Points of View
ESL Conversation Lesson Points of View Perspectives is a middle to cutting edge level conversation exercise that requests that understudies rate their suppositions from one to ten (1 - firmly concur/10 - emphatically dissent) on various dubious issues. The worksheet can be utilized in various manners, and for various purposes during any course. The following is a proposal for incorporating this conversation plan into your exercise. Point: Helping understudies express their feelings and clarify their reasoningActivity: A homeroom study on various questionable subjects.Level: Intermediate to cutting edge Layout Points of View Discussion Disseminate Points of View sheet. Request that understudies rate their suppositions from one to ten: 1 - emphatically concur/10 - unequivocally disagree.Divide understudies into little gatherings and request that they examine their reactions to the statements.Listen in on the different gatherings and take notes on normal language botches while understudies are introducing their different purposes of view.At the finish of the gathering conversations, compose some of the most widely recognized errors on the board and request that different understudies right the mistakes.Make sure to recommend standard recipes for expressing ones conclusion if these equations don't come up during the adjustment procedure (for example as I would like to think, Do you truly feel that, As far as Im concerned, etc.)As a class, experience each point requesting somebody who (moderately) emphatically consents to clarify their perspective. Do likewise for somebody who (moderately) emphatically can't help contr adicting the statement.As a subsequent action, request that understudies compose a short arrangement on one of the announcements. Perspectives Worksheet Rate your conclusion from one to ten on the accompanying explanations. 1 firmly concur/10 unequivocally oppose this idea Committing errors in English is OK insofar as individuals comprehend you.My companions should originate from a similar social foundation as I do.It is difficult to have a cheerful family life and an effective career.War isn't a possibility for explaining worldwide disputes.Multinational worldwide organizations are at fault for most issues on the planet today.Women will never be equivalent to men in the workplace.Marriage is obsolete. There is no requirement for state or church endorsement or acknowledgment of a partnership.Gay marriage is wrong.The capital punishment is satisfactory in some cases.Celebrities acquire an excessive amount of money.Foreigners ought not be permitted to vote.The government is liable for ensuring that all residents of a nation have at any rate a base living pay job.Quality of life will incredibly improve in the future.Teachers give a lot of homework.Military administration ought to be compulsory.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
14 of the Most Popular Employee Perks Job Perks Employees Love more than a Salary Raise
14 of the Most Popular Employee Perks â€" Job Perks Employees Love more than a Salary Raise Employers are taking employee enjoyment much more seriously â€" and for a good reason. According to a 700-person employee experiment, being happy at work actually boosts your productivity. If you are able to keep employees happy, you can benefit in terms of productivity and even financial gains. So, how can you achieve these happier and more productive employees?One of the easiest ways is by looking into employee perks â€" those additional benefits you can provide to your employees to keep them more satisfied in their roles. Rewards can help create a more positive and caring work environment. By providing perquisites, you tell to your employees that their wellbeing matters to you and that you are willing to listen to them â€" you put employee satisfaction above pure profit.These perks can be attractive to employees and in keeping those employees that already work for you committed in your business. If you provide good enough benefits and you focus on keeping employees happy, they are unlikely to want to leave. While salary increase is often the go-to perk, there are perks many employees actually love more than a salary raise. In fact, a Glassdoor employment survey said 4 in 5 employees want other benefits more than a pay increase. Let’s look at 14 of the most popular employee perks and examples of companies implementing them right now.THE PURE MONETARY PERKSIt goes without saying that money is an important employee perk. Who would ever say ‘no’ to a salary increase? But monetary perks are not just about the salary raise. Other purely monetary-based benefits exist for employers to provide to employees.1. Paid time offOn top of the list of employee perks workers want is paid time off. Everyone needs some time off from work but you don’t want it to cause you to suffer too much financially. If a company can provide both time off and to compensate financially for the break, it can attract plenty of workers. The Glassdoor employment survey showed 37% of employees appreciate paid time off more than a pure salary increase.The perk is also one that a lot of companies have jumped on board. TranswerWise makes sure its employees are able to attend an all-expenses paid holiday every year. In fact, the perk is slowly moving away from a few weeks of paid time-off to an unlimited amount of time. Yes, you read that right: companies are now offering employees the option to take as much time off from work as they want. Here’s Kathryn Minshew, CEO of the Muse, discussing why she thinks the perk is beneficial. Paid time off can also include paid sick days. There are still occasions where employees won’t receive any compensation for the days they need to take off for sickness. In fact, recently there have been news stories of companies charging employees that can’t find a replacement to cover for them when they need to take time off when ill. Therefore, an option to be sick without financial loss can seem lucrative for many.2. Performance bonusesEmployees also appreciate per formance bonuses. These are different from salary increase, as they tend to be one-off payments based on certain pre-determined metrics. The bonus is either based on the company performing well â€" a bonus paid for all employees if the company profits go up â€" or on the performance of the individual employee â€" a bonus based on achieving specific sales targets.Software company Huddle is an example as it gives employees around $6,000 joining bonus and an annual $600 gift. Interestingly, the performance bonus might not always relate to work performance. CloudApps has implemented a system of ‘green bonuses’, which are rewards given to employees for taking positive environmental actions, such as recycling at work.3. Retirement and pension plansEmployees are not just interested in monetary perks that support them in the current situation. Smart employees are also looking for future â€" securing their retirement is an important part of financial planning. It’s not a surprise then to find retirement and pension plans at the top of popular employee perks. The benefit is about providing employment with a proper retirement or pension plan or some sort of other financial incentive for the future.The list of companies that offer some sort of retirement plan is a long one â€" again, showing it is such a popular perk. Quartz listed companies that offer defined-benefit pensions plans in 2016, with the list featuring companies such as Johnson Johnson and Prudential Financial Inc.THE PERKS TO STAY HEALTHYHealthy employees are happy employees. When it comes to employee perks, health-related benefits are becoming more popular. These can boost employee performance and help them feel more valued as well.4. Medical insuranceHealthcare provision is not quite the same around the world. Some countries provide quality healthcare without much cost to the person, while others require you to pay for your own healthcare through insurance payments and other such systems.The mixture of healthcare and the regional differences have turned medical insurance into a popular employee perk. In the Glassdoor survey, additional medical insurance provided by the employer actually scored the top spot. Employees want to stay healthy and they appreciate it when the employer is willing to help them.Aside from pure medical insurance, dental insurance has become a popular perk. Allen Overy, the UK-based law firm, provides on-site dentistry, ensuring employees’ teeth are in top-notch condition at all times. Indeed, the opportunity to visit a doctor on-site is a popular perk, especially if part of the costs are covered by the employer.5. Gym and other such member programsOf course, you can stay healthy by staying fit and employers have understood the benefit of keeping their workforce in good condition. The healthier your employees are, the less you lose money on sick days. The revelation has led to the increase in employee perks such as gym membership programs.It doesn’t need to be a gym necessarily, wellness programs whether it’s yoga or spinning are popular. Some organizations have on-site fitness facilities while others simply provide vouchers to the local gyms and fitness centers. Pentland Brands offers an on-site swimming pool, gym and even a football pitch to help employees stay healthy and fit.Another interesting take on this health perk is the support companies can provide for keeping fit. An UK developer of online games provides its staff free bicycle repairs â€" it acts as an incentive for employees to cycle to work and maintain better health. Jagex has had quite a success with this unusual take on this health-related employee reward.Naomi Pelley, regional director in Account Management, has given an interesting interview on the benefits of helping employees stay fit, especially in terms of stress management: 6. Extra time-offFinally, aside from keeping employees fit and ensuring they have access to proper healthcare, employers have also understood the value of extra time-off. You can recharge your batteries by simply switching off for a bit and allowing your mind and body to rest. As mentioned in the previous section, employees appreciate extra time-off from work, especially if they don’t lose out financially during the break.The extra time-off can be proper vacation time or it can be the option to take a few extra hours of or to get an extra day off near a holiday. For example, insurance company Swinton Insurance provides its employees with an additional day off to do Christmas shopping.These sorts of extra moments away from work can be crucial for staying healthy and motivated and are definitely among the favorite employee perks companies can provide.THE PERKS TO PERFORM BETTERGood employees are passionate about their work and they want to help the business to succeed. Therefore, it can be easy to attract employees with benefits that boost their work performance and make working just a bit smoother.7. Flexible scheduleNine to five work hours are clearly becoming a thing of the past. Studies have shown that productivity can go up if employees are able to be more flexible about when and where they work. This kind of flexible scheduling of work is quickly increasing in popularity when it comes to employee perks. Employees appreciate if they are able to:Occasionally work from homeDecide their own work hours with more flexibilityLeave the office to work from a café or a local library, for exampleThe perk has gained popularity among companies. The consumer goods giant Colgate-Palmolive allows its employees to set up flexible work hours, ensuring they can start later or work more on certain days, while spending less time in the office on others.8. Free development programs and coursesAs mentioned at the start of the section, employees who are passionate about their job want to improve their skillset â€" they appreciate companies that push them to improve and support them during the process. Em ployee perks like development programs for skills and courses that support career development are therefore popular options aside from a salary increase.Companies could provide free seminars that develop skills the employees use as part of their job or allow the personnel to take courses on skills like leadership. The perks are popular because they provide the employee with more potential to earn more in the future!Culture Amp recently listen 10 companies that help employees increase their future career potential. The list included companies such as:Pixar, which provides both required training programs as well as optional classes on a variety of disciplines for employeesEtsy, which has employees take classes on things like tap dancing and communicationDigital Ocean, with its individual development program for each employee9. Tuition coverage of reimbursementRelated closely to the above point is an employee reward under which the company provides tuition coverage or reimbursement for its employees. This is popular, especially in countries where higher education is not cheap.The benefit is about the company covering some or all of the cost of education the employee has either gone through or will go through. It can be a great way for the company to attract highly educated people and it can ensure employees are willing to re-educate themselves furtherPharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline announced back in 2011, it would pay off tuition fees for graduates, as part of its response to the government’s decision to increase tuition fees in England. The commitment only lasted for two years, but its popularity shows that employees definitely appreciate perks like this.10. Commuter assistanceEven when you enjoy and love your work, you don’t necessarily love getting to work. Crowded cities and failing infrastructure in many places in the world have made commuting a rather painful experience. Getting to work is not always easy and it definitely isn’t cheap â€" help from the employer will be greatly appreciated.Commuter assistance can range from things such as company shuttle service that gets employees from home to work to financial assistance to cover the cost of train or bus tickets. Microsoft is among those well-known companies that have understood the advantage of commuter assistance. The tech-giant offers free bus-services and free cycle tune-ups for those that cycle to work, for example.11. Volunteer timeEmployees also appreciate companies with a social conscience. The ability to do good for your community can be an attraction to working in a specific company, with companies also benefitting from its workforce doing good. It can build a better business reputation, but also help employees feel better at their own work. Therefore, a perk such as the ability to volunteer is popular among the modern workforce.The Body Shop is one of the companies that understands the power of this perk. The beauty product company allows its employees to volu nteer for three days a year for causes they care about. The time-off from work doesn’t cost anything for the employee â€" it’s like paid time-off, but instead of going on a holiday, these employees do something good in the neighborhood.THE PERKS TO RELAX AND UNWINDSome perks are quite quirky. Those rather small gestures that can make the employee feel more relaxed at work and those that can help them unwind.11. Office perksOffice perks are popular and range from the common â€" such as relaxed dress-code on Friday â€" to the unusual â€" such as the ability to play table football during the work day.The main idea behind office perks is to make the work environment a bit more fun and to take things less seriously. It’s about generating an atmosphere of laughter and comradely. So, what are the most common office-based employee perks companies offer? They include:Smart casual dress code, either at all times or for a specific dayFree office treats like cakes, healthy food or drinksA llowing the employees to unwind during the day, including provision of time-off for naps or walks to parksOffice games and other such additions to make the environment more relaxed and playfulGoogle’s offices are perhaps among the best examples of office perks for employees. The headquarters have free cafeterias, sleeping pods and even a giant slide to play with. Check out this introductory video to understand more: Furthermore, software company Jive Software offers an example of these quirky office rewards. The company offers free food, such as Bacon Thursday, to keep its employees happy and hunger-free!12. Employee discountsThe other example of quirky perks include employee discounts companies can offer. These are not just discounts to use the company’s own services, but special discounts employees can enjoy when going out or shopping for things.The most popular option is discounts to shop at specific retailers. ASOS staff benefit 40% off from online shopping, for example. Aut oTrader UK has started a wine club that delivers cheaper wine to its employees each month.The discounts can also be applied for specific events, such as cheaper cinema tickets, concert tickets or sports tickets. Some companies even offer a stipend that helps employees enjoy cheaper travel. Airbnb gives staff up to $2,000 in travel vouchers â€" a great way to help employees experience the world and unwind.THE FAMILY PERKSFinally, there are certain perks that attract to employees with families or those that are planning to start one in the near future. Family-related benefits are popular because they allow employees to have the career of their dreams and have a family at the same time.13. Paid maternal/paternal leaveDepending on the country you live, your rights might differ a great deal when it comes to work and having a family. While Finnish mothers are able to enjoy over 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, new mothers in the US aren’t in as strong legal position when it comes to pa id maternity leave.What’s more, Finnish fathers also get up to six weeks of paid paternity leave, while again, the US dads are left for fighting for time-off. It’s no wonder than parents in countries like the US are impressed if the company voluntarily offers paid maternal or paternal leave. It will ensure having a baby isn’t a financial liability and takes a bit of the stress away from starting a family.A lot of companies have understood the value of paid maternal and paternal leave. Netflix is among the companies that provide up to 12 months of paid parental leave â€" for both mothers and fathers.14. Childcare assistanceParents also appreciate help after it’s time to get back to work. Organizing childcare isn’t easy â€" sometimes the child is sick, the work hours might be unexpectedly long and so on. Not to mention, the cost of childcare can place quite a burden on parents.Therefore, when it comes to childcare assistance as an employment perk, two specific benefits are a t the top of the list:On-site childcare facilities â€" allow the parents to check up on the kids during the work day and it gives extra guarantees everything are going well with the kids. On-site childcare can also make the commute easier, as you don’t need to drop off the kids at a different location.Financial assistance to organize childcare â€" could be vouchers that cut down the cost of childcare or specific bonuses for slashing the prices.CA Technologies is an example of an employer that has taken this perk seriously. The American software company provides on-site day care service for company employees’ children. THE BOTTOM LINEWhile it would be hard to find an employee who says ‘no’ to a salary raise, there are a number of other perks that can weigh more in making a specific company seem more attractive.The above 14 employee perks are popular, often more so than a pure salary increase. They are attractive because they help the employee succeed better at work and at ho me â€" they make life easier and happier. Therefore, companies should pay attention to employee satisfaction â€" happier employees are more productive.Perhaps more importantly, companies should understand that it isn’t just the paycheck that matters, proper rewards can make the workplace seem attractive and help the employees feel passionate about the company and its mission.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Australian Stereotype - 2667 Words
Representations of the Australian Persona ‘Mateship A key element of what is presented to be the Australian character is that of camaraderie, base friendliness towards everybody, and egalitarianism, the belief that everybody is equal and should have the same opportunities, treatment, etc. as everybody else. As such, Australians are very supportive of democracy, compulsory voting, and are generally, in most cases, unprejudiced towards each other based on such trivialities as, for example, social class Ââ€" everybody will kick back together at the pub for a ‘coldie in that ‘typical Aussie scene, described so well in the quote by Australian legend Henry Lawson, one of the best-known Australian poets and fiction writers of the colonial†¦show more content†¦Australian casual English, like African-American speech, is one of the most complex forms of English slang, and not always so easy to understand. Phrases such as Gday Mate and Chuck a shrimp on the barbie are well-known internationally as being ‘Australian, having been made popular by Paul Hogans representation in the 1986 internationally highest-grossing film Crocodile Dundee. Numerous examples of the frequent use of common Australian slang can be found in the six-book series Western Wildcats by Australian author John Larkin, e.g. where phrases such as But not any more, but. is characteristic one of the main characters, known as ‘Splinters Ââ€" even when talking to the Queen of England. In the same series, another character, Eric, is ranting about what is seen as the norms of Australian society and the persona that is represented to be Australian, and as a part of his tirade states Somebody who doesnt end every sentence with ‘You Know, you know? Australian slang seems to be bent on taking the shortest, easiest possible route for words to come out of the speakers mouth, shortening everything to the minimum amount of syllables possible. A cup of coffee (or tea) becomes a ‘cuppa, football becomes footy etc. This style of common Australian speech has its roots, once again, in Australias heritage as a convict colony Ââ€" a majority of the people thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on Australian Literature (Stereotypes)829 Words  | 4 Pagesmorning writers, students, and guests, welcome to the Youth Forum. Today I will be discussing the Australian identity in contemporary literature. The main question being asked today is â€Å"Does contemporary literature encourage young readers to look beyond Australian stereotypes?.†I will be discussing my point of view, which will be backed up with reasons based on evidence I have found in four different Australian contemporary literature texts. We’re in the 21st century, and right now there is such aRead MoreThe Stereotypes Of Indigenous Australians And Torres Strait Islanders Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesThe injustice of stereotypes begins with depictions of diverse groups as uniform. For Indigenous Australian stereotypes, there are prevailing negative views of laziness, welfare abuse, substance abuse, and criminality (Perkins, 2014). Initial negative stereotypes of Indigenous Australians were based on social-Darwinist theories (Harrison Sellwood, 2016). However, contemporary stereotypes might be attributed to ignorance of Australia’s past paternalistic colonialism on contemporary Aboriginal andRead MoreHistorical Stereotypes of Australian Masculinity in the Film Two Hands and Strictly Balloon1329 Words  | 6 PagesHistorical Stereotypes of Australian Masculinity in the Film Two Hands and Strictly Balloon â€Å"Film is a powerful player in the construction of national identity. In Australian films, men embody particular masculinities such as rugged practicality and anti-intellectualism, ruthless independence against all odds, and a willingness to die. These masculinities have been embellished and perpetuated in film histories as the ideal held as the standard for imitation†Read MoreThe Removalists Essay - Stereotypes1407 Words  | 6 PagesAustralian dramas, such as David Williamson’s â€Å"The Removalists†, inclination to depend on stereotypes is not a weakness, but instead an opportunity to explore personal and societal issues. The inclusion of stereotypes within the play does not hinder the exploration of these issues, but instead deepens the audiences understanding and awareness. Through familiar roles, such as the ‘Oker’ identity, Williamson heightens the play, and allows a production to focus on the themes being explored. 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Jarrod Melmeth (c3202088) The University of Newcastle Tutor’s Name: Jennifer Saunders Due Date: 12 October, 2014 Word Count: Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 4 3 The Typical Aussie†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 3.1 The Rugged Bushman†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 3.2 The Alcoholic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 4 The Landscape†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreKey Areas Of The Australian Identity1309 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract This report explores 4 key areas of the Australian Identity which includes, Traditional values and how sport affects the nation and how the passion of teams brings happiness. Stereotypes expressing that not all Australian appearances are bogans or tanned beach boys and that not the whole of Australia is covered by deserts. Diversity and Change explores how religion and culture affects the nation and how Australia has become a multiculturalist nation and supporting many religions and racesRead MoreThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert: Stereotypes and Priscilla934 Words  | 4 PagesAustralian Voices in Film: â€Å"The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert†Essay Question: Stereotyping of character representations â€Å"The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert†is a hilarious comedy, brought together brilliantly by writer and director Stephan Elliot. Tick/Mitzi and Adam/Felicia are two drag queens that travel across Australia on a lavender bus with there transsexual friend Ralph/Bernadette. All three challenge the dominant stereotype of the Australian male. 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They start out as fairly stereotypical examples of teenagers, but they undergo a character metamorphosis as the story progresses. Characters such as Homer, first introduced as a very stereotypical law-breakingRead MoreRacism Is An Unequivocal Problem Throughout Australian Society707 Words  | 3 PagesYou can t stop smoking if you don t want to, and you can t stop racism if people don t want to. But I ll do everything I can to help.†According to UWS, one in five people living in Australia have experienced racist abuse. Nearly half of all Australian residents from a culturally and linguistically diverse background have experienced racism at some time in their life. According to FYA, approximately seven in ten teenagers have experienced racism throughout their life. The question still remains:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Stanford Prison Project - 1390 Words
The Stanford Prison Project In the summer of 1971 at Stanford University psychologist Phillip Zimbardo conducted a behavioral experiment meant to simulate a prison. This experiment was supposed to study the behaviors both guards and prisoners go through by using student volunteers to play the parts. This experiment, conducted in the basement of a Stanford University building, began to take on a life of its own and has since gone down in infamy. This paper will look into the person responsible for this experiment, how it was conducted and the outcome of the infamous study. Philip Zimbardo is currently a well-known and highly regarded psychologist who received his Ph.D. from Yale. He has over 50 years of experience teaching psychology at many schools including the Naval Post-graduate School, Yale and Stanford University (Zimbardo,2015). Among his other accolades Dr. Zimbardo has been published over 400 times and served as the president of both the American Psychological Associatio n and the Western Psychological Association (Zimbardo,2015). In 1971 Phillip Zimbardo was a professor at Stanford University wanting to learn more about behavior between authority figures and regular people in a prison environment. To conduct his research Zimbardo created the Stanford Prison Project which was inspired by the Milgram obedience study. The results of the Milgram obedience study concluded that when regular ordinary people were encouraged by those in an authority position overShow MoreRelatedThe Stanford Prison Experiment1658 Words  | 7 Pagesmost important issues today. The Stanford Prison Experiment, conducted over 40 years ago, brought these ethical issues into the limelight and remains one of the most controversial studies in the history of studying human behavior. This paper aims to define ethics, describe risk/benefit ratio, provide a brief background on the Stanford Prison Experiment, and evaluate the impact it has had on psychological research. â€Æ' The Stanford Prison Experiment The Stanford Prison Experiment probably tops a lot ofRead MoreWhat Can We Learn from the Stanford Prison Experiment?935 Words  | 4 PagesWhat can we learn from the Stanford Prison Experiment? There is no doubt that the study conducted by Dr Philip Zimbardo in 1971 at Stanford University was extremely valuable to not only the Psychology profession, but also to all social science fields. He tested and selected participates to recreate a prison environment separating one group into two, guards and prisoners, and the results were truly ground breaking. 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Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 20~23 Free Essays
string(31) " he had bought the day before\." 20 Leadership’s a Bitch The storm had been easy on the Shark People. A little thatch lost from a roof here and there, a cookhouse blown over, some breadfruit and coconuts stripped from the trees, but not enough to cause hardship. Some seawater had washed into the taro patch, but only time would tell if it was enough to kill the crop. We will write a custom essay sample on Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 20~23 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Shark People went slowly about the business of cleaning up, the women doing most of the work while the men sat in the shade of the men’s house, drinking alcoholic tuba and pretending to discuss important religious matters. Mainly they were there to pass the heat of the day and get good and drunk before dinner. Malink, the high chief of the Shark People, was late rising. He awoke shivering and afraid, trying to figure out how to interpret a strange dream. He rolled off of his grass sleeping mat, then rose creakily and ambled out of the hut to relieve himself at the base of a giant breadfruit tree. He was a short, powerfully built man of sixty. His hair was bushy and gone completely white. His skin, once a light butterscotch, had been burned over the years to the dark brown of a tarnished penny. Like most of the Shark men, he wore only a cotton loincloth and a wreath of fresh flowers in his hair (left there by one of his four daughters while he slept). The image of a shark was tattooed on his left pectoral muscle, a B-26 bomber on the other. He went back into the hut and pulled a steel ammo box out of the rafters. Inside lay a nylon web belt with a holster that held a portable phone, his badge of leadership, his direct line to the Sorcerer. The only time he had ever used it was when one of his daughters had come down with a fever during the night. He had pushed the button and the Sorcerer had come to the village and given her medicine. He was afraid to use the phone now, but the dream had told him that he must deliver a message. Malink would have liked to go down to the men’s house and discuss his decision for a few hours with the others, but he knew that he couldn’t. He had to deliver the dream message. Vincent had said so, and Vincent knew everything. As he pushed the button, he wished he had never been born a chief. The High Priestess was also sleeping late, as she always did. The Sorcerer jostled her and she pulled the sheets over her head. â€Å"What?†â€Å"I just got a call from Malink. He says he’s had a message from Vincent.†The High Priestess was awake now. Wide awake. She sat upright in bed and the Sorcerer’s eyes fell immediately to her naked breasts. â€Å"What do you mean he’s had a message from Vincent? I didn’t give him any message.†The Sorcerer finally looked up at her face. â€Å"He was terrified. He said that Vincent came to him in a dream and told him – get this – to tell me that ‘the pilot was alive and on his way, and to wait for him.'†She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and shook her head. â€Å"I don’t get it. How did he know about a pilot coming? Did you say something?†â€Å"No, did you?†â€Å"Are you kidding? I’m not stupid, Sebastian, despite what you might think.†â€Å"Well, how did he find out? The guards don’t know anything. I haven’t said anything.†â€Å"Maybe it’s a coincidence,†she said. â€Å"Maybe he was just having bad dreams from the storm. Vincent is all he thinks about. It’s all any of them think about.†The Sorcerer stood and backed away from the bed, eyeing her suspiciously. â€Å"Coincidence or not, I don’t like it. I think you need to have an audience with the Shark People and give them a direct message from Vincent. This whole operation depends on us being the voice of Vincent. We can’t let them think that they can reach him directly.†He turned and started out of the room. â€Å"Sebastian,†she said and the Sorcerer paused and looked over his shoulder at her. â€Å"What about the pilot? What if Malink is right about the pilot being on his way?†â€Å"Don’t be stupid, Beth. The only way to control the faithful is to not become one of them.†He turned to leave and was struck in the back of the head by a high-velocity whiskey tumbler. He turned as he dropped to the floor grasping his head. The High Priestess was standing by the bed wearing nothing but a fine golden chain at her hips and an animal scowl. â€Å"You ever call me stupid again and I’ll rip your fucking nuts off.†21 How the Navigator Got from There to Here Watching the sharks circle the boat, Tuck felt as if he was being sucked down the vortex of a huge bathroom drain. â€Å"We need a better weapon,†Tuck said. He remembered a movie once where Spencer Tracy had battled sharks from a small boat with a knife lashed to an oar. â€Å"Don’t we have any oars?†Kimi looked insulted. â€Å"What wrong with me?†â€Å"Not whores. Oars!†Tucker pantomimed rowing. â€Å"For rowing.†â€Å"How I know what you talking about? Malcolme always say oars. ‘Bloody oars,’ he say. No, we don’t have oars.†â€Å"Bail,†Tuck said. The navigator began scooping water with the coffee can as Tuck did his best to bail with his hands. A half hour later the boat was only partially full of water and the sharks had moved on to easier meals. Tucker fell back onto the bow to catch his breath. The sun was still low in the morning sky, but already it burned his skin. The parts of his body not soaked with seawater were soaked with sweat. He dug into the pack and pulled out the liter bottle of water he had bought the day before. You read "Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 20~23" in category "Essay examples" It was half-full and it was all they had. Tuck eyed the navigator, who was bailing intently. He’d never know if Tuck drank all of the water right now. He unscrewed the cap and took a small sip. Nectar of the gods. Keeping his eye on Kimi, he a took a large gulp. He could almost feel his water-starved cells rejoicing at the relief. As he bailed, Kimi sang softly in Spanish to Roberto, who clung to his back. Whenever he tried to hit a high note, his voice cracked like crumpled parchment. Salt was crusted at the corners of his mouth. â€Å"Kimi, you want a drink?†Tucker crawled onto the gas tank and held the bottle out to the navigator. Kimi took the bottle. â€Å"Thank you,†he said. He wiped the mouth of the bottle on his dress and took a deep drink, then poured some water into his palm and held it while Roberto lapped it up. He handed the bottle back to Tucker. â€Å"You drink the rest. You bigger.†Tucker nodded and drained the bottle. â€Å"Who’s Malcolme?†â€Å"Malcolme buy me from my mother. He from Sydney. He a pimp.†â€Å"He bought you?†â€Å"Yes. My mother very poor in Manila. She can’t feed me, so she sell me to Malcolme when I am twelve.†â€Å"What about your father?†â€Å"He not with us. He a navigator on Satawan. He meet my mother in Manila when he is working on a tuna boat. He marry her and take her to Satawan. She stay for ten years, but she not like it. She say women like dirt to Micronesians. So she take me and go back to Manila when I am nine. Then she sell me to Malcolme. He dress me up and I make big money for him. But he mean to me. He say I have to get rid Roberto, so I run away to find my father to finish teach me to be a navigator. They hear of him on Yap. They say he lost at sea five year ago.†â€Å"And he was the one that taught you to navigate?†Tucker knew it was a snotty question, but he had no idea what to say to someone whose mother had sold him to a pimp. Kimi didn’t catch the sarcasm. â€Å"He teach me some. It take long time to be navigator. Sometime twenty, thirty year. You want learn, I teach you.†Tucker remembered how difficult it had been to learn Western navigation for his pilot’s license. And that was using sophisticated charts and instru-ments. He could imagine that learning to navigate by the stars – by memory, without charts – would take years. He said, â€Å"No, that’s okay. It’s different for airplanes. We have machines to navigate now.†They bailed until the sun was high in the sky. Tuck could feel his skin baking. He found some sunscreen in the pack and shared it with Kimi, but it was no relief from the heat. â€Å"We need some shade.†The tarp was gone. He rifled the pack, looking for something they could use for shade, but for once Jake Skye’s bag of tricks failed them. By noon Tuck was cursing himself for pouring out the gallon of fresh water during the storm. Kimi sat in the bottom of the boat, stroking Roberto’s head and mumbling softly to the panting bat. Tuck tried to pass the time by cleaning his cuts and applying the antibiotic ointment from Jake’s first-aid kit. By turning his back and crouching, he was able to create enough privacy to check on his damaged penis. He could see infection around the sutures. He imagined gangrene, amputation, and consequently suicide. Then, looking on the bright side, he realized that he would die of thirst long before the infection had gone that far. 22 Finding Spam The octopus jetted across the bottom, over a giant head of brain coral, and tucked itself into a tiny crevice in the reef. Sarapul could see the light purple skin pulsing in the crevice three fathoms down. He took a deep breath and dove, his spear in hand. The octopus, sensing danger, changed color to the rust brown of the coral around it and adjusted its shape to fit the crannies of its hiding place. Sarapul caught the edge of the crevice with his left hand and thrust in his spear with his right. The spear barely pierced one of the octopus’s tentacles and it turned bright red in a chromatic scream, then released its ink. The ink expanded into a smoky cloud in the water. Sarapul dropped his spear to wave the ink away before making another thrust. But his air was gone. He left his spear in the crevice and shot to the surface. The octopus sensed the opening and jetted out of the crevice to a new hiding place before Sarapul knew it was gone. Sarapul broke the surface cursing. Only three fathoms, eighteen feet, and he couldn’t stay down long enough to tease an octopus out of its hole. As a young man, he could dive to twelve fathoms and stay down longer than any of the Shark men. He was glad that no one had been there to see him: an old man who could barely feed himself. He pulled off his mask and spit into it, then rinsed it with seawater. He looked out to sea, checking for any sign of the sharks that lived in abund-ance off the reef. There was a boat out there, perhaps half a mile off the reef, drifting. He put on his mask and looked down to get a bearing on his spear so he could retrieve it later. Then he swam a slow crawl toward the drifting boat. He was winded when he reached the boat and he hung on the side for a few minutes, bobbing in the swell, while he caught his breath. He made his way around to the bow and pulled himself up and in. A huge black bat flew up into his face and winged off toward the island. Sarapul cursed and said some magic words to protect himself, then took a deep breath and examined the bodies. A man and a woman – and not long dead. There was no smell and no swelling of the bellies. The meat would still be fresh. It had been too long since he’d tasted the long pig. He pinched the man’s leg to test the fat. The man moaned. He was still alive. Even better, Sarapul thought. I can eat the dead one and keep the other one fresh! PART TWO Island of the Shark People 23 Deus Ex Machina The Sky Priestess first appeared in 1944 on the nose of a B-26 bomber. Conjured out of cans of enamel by a young aviator named Jack Moses, she lay cool and naked across the aluminum skin, a red pump dangling from a dainty toe, a smile that promised pleasure that no mortal woman could offer. As soon as Moses laid the final brushstroke on her black-seamed stocking, he knew there was something special about this one, something electric and alive that would break his heart when they flew her off to the Pacific. He caught a kiss in his palm and placed it gently on her bottom, then backed down the ladder to survey his work. He stood on the tarmac for perhaps half an hour, just looking at her, charmed, wishing that he could take her home, or to a museum, or lift her off the skin of the bomber and put her on the ceiling of a cathedral. Jack Moses didn’t notice the major standing at his side until the older man spoke. â€Å"She’s something,†the major said. And although he wasn’t sure why, he removed his hat. â€Å"Ain’t she,†Moses said. â€Å"She’s off to Tinian tomorrow. Wish I was going with her.†The major reached out and squeezed Moses’s shoulder; he was a little short of breath and the Sky Priestess had set off a stag film in his head. â€Å"Put some clothes on her, son. We can’t have muffin showing up on a newsreel.†â€Å"Yes, sir. I don’t have to put a top on her, do I?†The major smiled. â€Å"Son, you put a top on her, I’ll have you court-marshaled.†â€Å"Yes, sir.†Moses saluted the major and scampered back up the ladder with his brushes and his red enamel and painted a serpentine scarf between her legs. A week later, as a young pilot named Vincent Bennidetti was leading his crew across the runway to take the Sky Priestess on her first mission, he turned to his navigator and said, â€Å"I’d give a year’s pay to be that scarf.†A half century away, Beth Curtis pinned a big red bow into her hair, then, one at a time, worked sheer black-seamed stockings up her legs. She stood in front of the mirror and tied the red scarf around her waist, letting the ends trail long between her legs. She stepped into the red pumps, did a quick turnaround in the mirror, and emerged from her bungalow to the sound of the Shark People’s drums welcoming her, the Sky Priestess. Vincent Bennidetti and his crew flew the Sky Priestess on twelve missions and sank six Japanese ships before a fusillade from a Japanese destroyer punctured her wing tanks and took out her right engine. But even as they were limping back toward Tinian, trailing smoke and fuel, the crew of the Sky Priestess knew she watched over them. They were, after all, charmed. For the price of a blown kiss or a pat on the bottom, the Sky Priestess had ushered them into battle like a vicious guardian angel, shielding them even as the other bombers in their squadron flamed into the sea around them. She had shown them where to drop their bombs, then led them through the smoke and the flak back to Valhalla. Home. Safe. The copilot chattered over the intercom to the navigator, airspeed, fuel consumption, and now descent rate. If they lost any more airspeed, the B-26 would stall, so Captain Vinnie was bringing her down into sweet, thick lower air at the rate of a hundred feet per minute. But the lower they flew, the faster the fuel would burn. â€Å"I’m going to level her off at two thousand,†Captain Vinnie said. The navigator did some quick calculations and came back with: â€Å"At two thousand we’ll be short of base by three hundred miles, Captain. I recommend we level at three thousand for a safer bailout.†â€Å"Oh ye of little fucking faith,†Vincent said. â€Å"Check your charts for somewhere we can ditch her.†The navigator checked their position on the charts. There was a flyspeck atoll named Alualu about forty nautical miles to the south. And it showed that it was now in American hands. He relayed the information to the captain. â€Å"The chart shows an uncompleted airstrip. We must have chased the Japs out before they finished it.†â€Å"Give me a course.†â€Å"Sir, there might not be anything there.†â€Å"Ya fuckin’ mook, look out the window. You see anything but water?†The navigator gave him the course. Vincent patted the throttles and said, â€Å"Come on, sweetheart. You get us there safe and I’ll build you a shrine.†Sarapul was heading for the beach and the men’s drinking circle when he heard the drums welcoming the Sky Priestess. That white bitch was stealing his fire again. He’d been thinking all afternoon about what he would say at the drinking circle: how the Shark People needed to return to the old ways and how he had just the ritual to get everyone started. Nothing like a little cannibalism to get people thinking right. But now that was all ruined. Everyone would be out on the airstrip, drumming and chanting and marching around like a bunch of idiots, and when the Sky Priestess finally left and the men finally did show up at the drinking circle, all they would talk about was the wonderful words of Vincent. Sarapul wouldn’t be able to get a word in edgewise. He took the path that led away from the village and made his way toward the runway. After all, the Sky Priestess might pass out some good cargo and he didn’t want to miss out on his share. Sarapul had been permanently banished from the village of the Shark People ever since one of the chief’s grandchildren had mysteriously disap-peared and was later found in the jungle with Sarapul, who was building a child-sized earthen oven (an oom) and gathering various fragrant fire woods. Oh, the men tolerated him at the nightly drinking circle, and he was allowed to share in the village’s take of shark meat, and the members of his clan saw to it that he got part of the wonderful cargo passed out by the Sorcerer and the Sky Priestess, but he was forbidden to enter the village when women and chil-dren were present. He lived alone in his little hut on the far side of the island and was regarded by the Shark People as little more than a monster to frighten children into behaving: â€Å"You stay inside the reef or old Sarapul will catch you and eat you.†Actually, scaring children was the only real joy Sarapul had left in life. As he emerged from the jungle, the old cannibal saw the torches where the Shark People waited in a semicircle around a raised platform. He stopped in a grove of betel nut palms, sat on the ground, and watched. He heard a click from the PA speakers mounted on the gate across the runway and the Shark People stopped drumming. Two of the Japanese guards ap-peared out of the compound and Sarapul felt the hair rise on his neck as they rolled back the gate and fifty years of residual hatred rose in his throat like acid. The Japanese had killed his wife and children, and if there was any single reason to return to the old ways of the warrior, it was to take revenge on the guards. Music blared out of the PA speakers: Glenn Miller’s â€Å"String of Pearls.†The Shark People turned toward the gate and dropped to their knees. Pillars of red smoke rose from either side of the gate and wafted across the runway like sulfurous serpents. The distant whine of airplane propellers replaced the big band sound from the PA and grew into a roar that ended with a flash and explosion that sent a mushroom cloud of smoke a hundred feet into the night sky. And half-naked, the Sky Priestess walked out of the smoke into the moonlight. Chief Malink turned to his friend Favo and said, â€Å"Excellent boom.†â€Å"Very excellent boom,†Favo said. â€Å"There it is,†the copilot said. The B-26 was sputtering on her last few drops of fuel. Vincent nosed her over and started his descent. â€Å"There’s a strip cut right across the center of the island. Let’s hope we didn’t bomb the shit out of it when the Japs had it.†His last few words seemed unusually loud as the engine cut out. â€Å"No go-around, boys. We’re going down. Rig for a rough one and be ready for extreme dampness if we come in short.†Vincent could see patches of dirt on the airstrip, as well as fingers of vines and undergrowth from the jungle trying to reclaim the clearing. â€Å"You going in gear up?†the copilot asked, thinking that they might have a better chance of survival going over a bomb crater if they skidded in on the plane’s belly. â€Å"Gear down,†Bennidetti said, making it a command. â€Å"We might be able to land her gear up, but she’d never take off again.†â€Å"Gear down and locked,†the copilot said. They glided in about ten feet over the reef. A dozen Shark men who were standing on the reef dove underwater as the airplane passed over them as silent and ominous as a manta ray. Bennidetti flared the B-26 to drop the rear gear first and they bounced over a patch of ferns and began the rocket slide down the coral gravel airstrip. Without the engines to reverse thrust, Vincent had only the wheel brakes to stop the bomber. He applied them gingerly at first, then, realizing that the runway was obscured by vines that might be covering a bomb crater, laid into them, causing the wheels to plow furrows into the gravel and filling the still air with a thick white cloud of dust. â€Å"We still burning?†Vincent asked the copilot over the rumble. The copilot looked out the window. â€Å"Can’t see anything but a little black smoke.†The bomber rolled to a stop and a cheer went up from the crew. â€Å"Everybody out. Now,†Vincent ordered. â€Å"We still might have fire. They stumbled over each other to get out of the plane into the dust cloud. Bennidetti led them away at a run. They were a hundred yards from the plane before anyone looked back. â€Å"She looks okay, Captain. No fire.†That set off a round of cheering and backslapping and when they turned around again they saw group of native children approaching them from the jungle led by a proud ten-year-old boy carrying a spear. â€Å"Let me handle this,†Vincent told the crew as he dug into his flight suit pocket for a Hershey bar. â€Å"Hey, squirts, how you doing?†The boy with the spear stood his ground, keeping his eye trained on the downed bomber while the other children lost their nerve and backed away like scolded puppies. â€Å"We’re Americans,†Vincent said. â€Å"Friendly. We are bringing you many good things.†He held the chocolate bar out to the spear boy, who didn’t move or take his eyes off of the airplane. Vincent tried again. â€Å"Here, kid. This stuff tastes good. Chocolate.†He smacked his lips and mimed eating the candy bar. â€Å"You savvy American, kid?†â€Å"No,†the boy said. â€Å"I no speak American. I speak English.†Vincent laughed. â€Å"Well, I’m from New York, kid. We don’t speak much English there. Go tell your chief that Captain Vincent is here with presents for him from a faraway and most magical place.†â€Å"Who she?†the kid asked, pointing to the image of the Sky Priestess. â€Å"She your queen?†â€Å"She works for me, kid. That’s the Sky Priestess. She’s bringing presents for your chief.†â€Å"You are chief?†Vincent knew he had to be careful here. He’d heard of island chiefs refusing to deal with anyone but Roosevelt because he was the only American equal to their status. â€Å"I’m higher than chief,†Vincent said. â€Å"I’m Captain Vinnie Fuckin’ Bennidetti, Bad-ass of Brooklyn, High Emperor of the Allied Forces, Pilot of the Magic Sky Priestess, Swinging Dick of the Free Fuckin’ World, and Protector of the Innocent. Now take me to your chief, squirt, before I have the Sky Priestess burn you to fucking ashes.†â€Å"Christ, Cap’n!†the bombardier said. Vincent shot him a grin over his shoulder. The kid bowed his head. â€Å"Christ, Cap’n. I am Malink, chief of the Shark People.†The Sky Priestess came out of the smoke and took her place in the middle of the semicircle of Shark People. Women kept their eyes to the ground even as they pushed their children forward, hoping that they would be the next to be chosen. The Sky Priestess threw the tails of her scarf over her shoulder and the music from the PA system stopped abruptly. The Shark People fell to their knees and waited for her words, the words of Vincent. It had been months since anyone had been chosen. Malink rose and approached the Sky Priestess with a coconut shell cup of the special tuba they had made for her. He was as stunned by her now as when he had first seen her painted on the side of Vincent’s plane. She drained the cup and handed it back to the chief, who bowed over it. â€Å"Still tastes like shit,†she said. â€Å"Tastes like shit!†the Shark People chanted. Beth Curtis turned her head to suppress a smile and a belch. When she turned back to Malink, her eyes were fury. â€Å"Who speaks for Vincent?†â€Å"The Priestess of the Sky,†Malink answered. â€Å"Who brings the words and cargo from Vincent?†â€Å"The Priestess of the Sky,†Malink repeated. â€Å"And who takes the chosen to Vincent?†â€Å"The Priestess of the Sky,†Malink said again, backing away a step. He’d never seen her so angry. â€Å"And who else, Malink?†â€Å"No one else.†â€Å"Damn straight no one else!†She spat so violently she nearly disengaged the bow from her hair. â€Å"You told the Sorcerer that Vincent came to you in a dream. This is not true.†The Shark People gasped. Despite what the Sky Priestess and the Sorcerer thought, Malink had told none of his people about the dream. But Malink was confused. He had dreamed of Vincent. â€Å"Vincent said that the pilot is coming. That he is still alive.†â€Å"Vincent speaks only through me.†â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"No coffee or sugar for a month,†the Sky Priestess said. She pulled her scarf from her shoulders and the music began again. The Shark People watched as she walked away. There was an explosion across the runway and the Sky Priestess disappeared into the smoke. How to cite Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 20~23, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Personal Goals Influencing Marriage In The Return Of The Native Essays
Personal Goals Influencing Marriage In The Return Of The Native Personal Goals Influencing Marriage in the Return of the Native When one thinks of marriage, images of happiness, faithfulness, and unconditional love come to mind. Marriages are not for allowing two lovers to accomplish personal goals, but rather for faithful companions to live the rest of their lives together. In The Return of the Native, Thomas Hardy presents the reader with two pairs of lovers that marry to accomplish personal goals, not because of a mutual love and a desire to obtain a lifelong soul mate. Hardy reveals the true motives governing the participants in the novels marriage alliances: Eustacia, Clym, Thomasin, and Wildeve marry to carry out their individual plans for the future, rather than for love of one another. Eustacia Vye is a lazy, self-absorbed, cunning diva whose desire to marry Clym Yeobright is based on her vision of a extravagant life in Paris with her prized husband. It is the news that Clym is from Paris that generates Eustacia's vision of pomp and glamour. She gets so infatuated with her vision of what Clym Yeobright is, that before she even meets him, she has a dream of the two dancing the night away. There is further evidence of Eustacia's fascination with Parisian life. When Eustacia and Clym meet while trying to fetch the water bucket from the well, there is mention of the boulevards of Paris, and this piques Eustacia's interest. Clym recognizes her interest in the city by saying, I remember when I had the same longing for town bustle. Five years of a great city would be a perfect cure for that. (Page 191). Eustacia responds, Heavens send me such a cure! (Page 191). Finally, when the love between Eustacia and Clym blossoms, Clym proposes to Eustacia, and Eustacia's response is, I must think. At present speak of Paris to me. Is there any place like it on Earth? (Page 201). A bewildered Clym answers It is very beautiful. But will you be mine?. Eustacia then asks even more questions about Paris, such as, Now tell me of the Tuileries, and the Louvre. (Page201). Frustrated with the lack of a solid answer from Eustacia, Clym cries I hate talking of Paris!, but this does not stop Eustacia's constant flow of questions about the city. This is definitely not the expected resp onse to a proposal of marriage, and further evidences that Eustacia is more interested in a possible life in Paris than the love of Clym Yeobright. Clym Yeobright also is interested in marriage to help carryout his own personal goals in life. Before the two meet face to face, without the mummer costume, Clym is introduced to Eustacia by Sam the turf-cutter. Sam reports to Clym that Eustacia is a handsome girl (Page 183) and that Clym ought to check her out. Clym's first response to this is, Do you think she would like to teach children? (Page 183). This brief passage shows that when presented with the opportunity to marry, Clym first thinks about the possibility that she would be willing to help him in his desire to run a school. As the relationship between the two progresses, Clym talks to his mother about his intent to marry Eustacia. Naturally, Mrs. Yeobright objects. The first words of defense to come out of Clym's mouth are, She is excellently educated, and would make a good matron in a boarding school...I can establish a good private the assistance of a wife like her.(Page 196-197) This is evidence that Clym is thinking of the possible uses of Eustacia helping him run a school for the Heath folk. A final bit of evidence that Clym is not entering into the marriage for love is presented, Yeobright began to perceive what a strait he was in. Sometimes he wished that he had never known Eustacia...antagonistic growths had to be kept alive...Eustacia's happiness. (Page 204-205) This sad passage points out that Clym regretted his hurried proposal of Eustacia and is now living with the consequences. He does not want to bear the disgrace of abandoning Eustacia and the scorn of his mother, so he decides to carry on the planed marriage and live
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Using the French Expression Oh làlÃÂ
Using the French Expression Oh l l The French phrase oh l l isnt so much an expression as an interjection. It can indicate surprise, disappointment, commiseration, distress, or annoyance. The phrase is used to express any moderately strong reaction to something that was just said or done, for example: Oh l l ! Jai oublià © mon portefeuille! Oh no, I forgot my wallet! You can strengthen the phrase by adding more ls, but you need to do so in pairs. Using and Misusing Oh l l A native French speaker might use the expression as follows. Suppose this person is passing through Charles de Gaulle Airport, which is near Paris. Imagine that the man is looking at souvenirs and knocks over a small Eiffel Tower made of glass, causing it to shatter. He might exclaim: Oh l l l l l l! (Note how he inserted four extra ls- two pairs of two- to heighten his expression of annoyance or mortification.) Another example might be a French native speaker playing poker. Suppose the card player draws an ace to give her four aces, generally a winning hand. She might use the phrase as follows:  Oh l l l l ! (a beat) l l! Note that in English, this expression is often used in to talk about something risquà ©. It tends to be misspelled in these occurrences and mispronounced as ooh la la. It is also usually said fairly slowly and with the first word comically elongated. That is not the way to use the expression correctly in French. Pronouncing and Defining Oh l l Click the link for [o la la] to bring up a sound file that will let you hear how to correctly pronounce the phrase. Click the link a couple of times, listen carefully, and then repeat the saying until you are able to pronounce it correctly. Though the phrase does, indeed, translate as Oh dear, Oh my, or Oh no, its literal translation is Oh there, there. That would make little sense in English, hence the generally accepted, and more emotional, translations. Using Oh l l in Conversation According to The Local, there are many ways to correctly use this versatile interjection: For example, you show someone your new ring and they say, Oh l l cest trop jolie! (Oh my god it’s so pretty!) It is high, light and happy. The Stockholm-based website devoted to European languages and culture, including French, warns that you should not use the phrase for particularly negative situations, such as a car barreling through a pedestrian crossing nearly knocking you over, a biker ringing his bell at you, or someone cutting in front of you in line at the grocery store. There are other French phrases that are more appropriate for those kinds of situations. But the expressive phrase is really a useful one to employ if you are visiting France: (There are) moments when Oh l l l l l l is really the only way you can express your frustration/anger/hanger (hunger anger). It is satisfying. If you live in Paris long enough, says the website, it will become an automatic part of your vocabulary, adding that at this the point, youll know youre really turning Parisian.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Haasts Eagle (Harpagornis) Facts and Figures
Haasts Eagle (Harpagornis) Facts and Figures  Name: Haasts Eagle; also known as Harpagornis (Greek for grapnel bird); pronounced HARP-ah-GORE-niss Habitat: Skies of New Zealand Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (2 million-500 years ago) Size and Weight: About six foot wingspan and 30 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; grasping talons About Haasts Eagle (Harpagornis) Wherever there were large, flightless prehistoric birds, you can be sure there were also predatory raptors like eagles or vultures on the lookout for an easy lunch. Thats the role Haasts Eagle (also known as Harpagornis or the Giant Eagle) played in Pleistocene New Zealand, where it swooped down and carried off giant moas like Dinornis and Emeus -  not full-grown adults, but juveniles and newly hatched chicks. As befitting the size of its prey, Haasts Eagle was the biggest eagle that ever lived, but not by all that much - adults only weighed about 30 pounds, compared to 20 or 25 pounds for the largest eagles alive today. We cant know for sure, but extrapolating from the behavior of modern eagles, Harpagornis may have had a distinctive hunting style - swooping down on its prey at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, seizing the unfortunate animal by the pelvis with one of its talons, and delivering a killing blow to the head with the other talon before (or even while) taking flight. Unfortunately, because it relied so heavily on Giant Moas for its sustenance, Haasts Eagle was doomed when these slow, gentle, flightless birds were hunted to extinction by the first human settlers of New Zealand, going extinct itself shortly afterward.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Understanding Marketing Strategic Planning Processes (Marketing Idea Research Proposal
Understanding Marketing Strategic Planning Processes (Marketing Idea Product Plan) - Research Proposal Example Being alone is rather frightening to most senior citizens (Sachteleben, 1) supporting psychologists stating that warm interpersonal relationships are the most fundamental of human needs (Singer, 28). Off 2 Gran Grans will provide psychological adjustment for its target consumers and also fill a tangible need that need fulfilling due to limited mobility, lack of access to transportation, or lack of family and social support. The competitive innovation, completely unique in the competitive market, is the installation of a communications device modeled after the Life Alert system, a pendant/base unit system that contacts the company (Life Alert, 2012). Technology is intimidating to seniors (Sachteleben, 1) and this maintains significant comparative advantage to other similar, low-profile competitors. Off 2 Gran Grans will provide short- and long-term contracts with financed and pre-paid elements to ensure revenue that include device installation, with fees applied for early termination. The business will be positioned under quality and responsibility with less emphasis on pricing. Start-up costs will be higher than average, but revenues will offset the initial
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Report about the museum printing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Report about the museum printing - Essay Example This painting exhibits exception for its realism and sensitive handling of the subjects. The painting is remarkable because it conveys the message of the low class occupied by the rural Africans. The workers are represented by as graceful and majestic figures (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 89). The message of feeling sympathy and respect for the peasants is vividly exhibited in this painting. The art is a sculpture designed and constructed by the Tamil sculptors of the Chola dynasty. The sculptor measures 76.20 by 57.15 by 17.78 cm. The designers completed the sculpture to reflect the Siva as the lord of yoga. The sculpture represents the Indian civilization. The physical appearance resonates with the message of the sculptors that Siva is Supreme Being that represents the source of the cosmic dance. In addition, the sculpture’s representation of the source of dance is evident on the upper right hand of Siva, which holds a drum (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 97). The drum represents a primeval sound at the creation of the earth. The artwork is a painting, which is among the first paintings to be acquired by the Los Angeles County Museum of art. The painting measures 102.07 by 106.83 cm. This painting is best known and it has been often reproduced in the American painting industry. The painting was designed and constructed by George Bellows in 1913. The painting conveys a message of hard work of the homemakers among the low class urbanites (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 114). The blend of various colours ranging from red to orange conveys all aspects of life and integration in early city life. In conclusion, the artworks discussed in this essay successfully convey the intended message to the audience. The Cotton Pickers painting conveys the message of rural African American lifestyle, the Shiva as the Lord of Dance conveys the message of supremacy and source of dance
Friday, January 24, 2020
Sir Isaac Newton vs Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz :: Sir Isaac Newton Essays
Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz are two of the most supreme intellects of the 17th century. They are both considered to be the inventors of Calculus. However, after a terrible dispute, Sir Isaac Newton took most of the credit. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) was a German philosopher, mathematician, and statesman born in the country of Leipzig. He received his education at the universities of Leipzig, Jena, and Altdorf. He received a doctorate in law. He devoted much of his time to the principle studies of mathematics, science, and philosophy. Leibniz's contribution in mathematics was in the year 1675, when he discovered the fundamental principles of infinitesimal calculus. He arrived at this discovery independently at the same time along with the English scientist Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. However, Leibniz's system was published in 1684, three years before Newton published his. Also at this time Leibniz's method of notation, known as mathematical symbols, were adopted universally. He also contributed in 1672 by inventing a calculating machine that was capable of multiplying, dividing, and extracting square roots. All this made him to be considered a pioneer in the developement of mathematical logic. Sir Isaac Newton is the other major figure in the development of Calculus. He was an English mathemetician and physcist, whose considered to be one of the greatest scientists in history. Newton was born on December 25, 1642 at Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire. He attended Trinity College, at the University of Cambridge. He received his bachelor's degree in 1665 and received his master's degree in 1668. However, there he ignored much of the universities established curriculum to pursue his own interests: mathematics and natural philosophy. Almost immediately, he made fundamental discoveries in both areas. Newtons dicoveries was made up of several different things. It consisted of combined infinite sums which are known as infinite series. It also consisted of the binomial theorem for frational exponents and the algebraic expression of the inverse relation between tangents and areas into methods that we refer to today as calculus. However, the story is not that simple. Being that both men were so-called universal geniuses, they realized that in different ways they were entitled to have the credit for â€Å"inventing calculus†. Both engaged in a violent dispute over priority in the invention of calculus. Unfortunately, Newton had the upper hand, considering that he was the president of the Royal Society. He used this position to to select a committee that would investigate the unsolved question. Apparently, Newton included himself on this committee (illegally) and submitted a false report that charged Leibniz with deliberate plagiarism. He was also the one who compiled the book of evidence that the â€Å"society†was Sir Isaac Newton vs Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz :: Sir Isaac Newton Essays Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz are two of the most supreme intellects of the 17th century. They are both considered to be the inventors of Calculus. However, after a terrible dispute, Sir Isaac Newton took most of the credit. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) was a German philosopher, mathematician, and statesman born in the country of Leipzig. He received his education at the universities of Leipzig, Jena, and Altdorf. He received a doctorate in law. He devoted much of his time to the principle studies of mathematics, science, and philosophy. Leibniz's contribution in mathematics was in the year 1675, when he discovered the fundamental principles of infinitesimal calculus. He arrived at this discovery independently at the same time along with the English scientist Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. However, Leibniz's system was published in 1684, three years before Newton published his. Also at this time Leibniz's method of notation, known as mathematical symbols, were adopted universally. He also contributed in 1672 by inventing a calculating machine that was capable of multiplying, dividing, and extracting square roots. All this made him to be considered a pioneer in the developement of mathematical logic. Sir Isaac Newton is the other major figure in the development of Calculus. He was an English mathemetician and physcist, whose considered to be one of the greatest scientists in history. Newton was born on December 25, 1642 at Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire. He attended Trinity College, at the University of Cambridge. He received his bachelor's degree in 1665 and received his master's degree in 1668. However, there he ignored much of the universities established curriculum to pursue his own interests: mathematics and natural philosophy. Almost immediately, he made fundamental discoveries in both areas. Newtons dicoveries was made up of several different things. It consisted of combined infinite sums which are known as infinite series. It also consisted of the binomial theorem for frational exponents and the algebraic expression of the inverse relation between tangents and areas into methods that we refer to today as calculus. However, the story is not that simple. Being that both men were so-called universal geniuses, they realized that in different ways they were entitled to have the credit for â€Å"inventing calculus†. Both engaged in a violent dispute over priority in the invention of calculus. Unfortunately, Newton had the upper hand, considering that he was the president of the Royal Society. He used this position to to select a committee that would investigate the unsolved question. Apparently, Newton included himself on this committee (illegally) and submitted a false report that charged Leibniz with deliberate plagiarism. He was also the one who compiled the book of evidence that the â€Å"society†was
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Looking for Alibrandi
Looking for Alibrandi is a novel written by Melina Marchetta. It is about a young female named Josephine Alibrandi. This book is about Josephine’s journey in search of her identity, and her relationships around her. It shows how her views are depicted and how her views change throughout the course of the novel. This novel portrays the use and abuse of power and its effects on individuals in society. These powers include the powers of freedom, education, legal, psychological, cultural, pressure, parental, empowerment, personal choice and relationships.All these powers make a huge impact throughout the course of the novel, whether they or negative or positive powers. The power of freedom, with the theme of destiny is a power present throughout the whole novel. This power plays positively through the novel. Josie believes that a person can chose their destiny and create their own path of life. She believes that no matter who you are, you can prevail over anything that is holding you back and that you can defy the stars and create your own destiny.In the novel Josie mentions â€Å"†¦ we’re masters of our own destiny†which highlights the power of freedom, and having a choice in where your life is heading. On the other hand, the power of freedom ties in with the power of culture. The power of culture plays a negative path of the story in Looking for Alibrandi. The power of culture intertwines with the themes of racism and multiculturalism. Josie’s culture, being of Italian descent, holds her back in the course of the novel. As Josephine is an ‘ethnic girl’, it holds her back from being the person she wants to be, and the things she wants to achieve.Her culture is a wall seperating her from who she is right now, and she wants to be. As an ethnic, she is looked down in society, and it makes her life more difficult. In the novel, Josie states â€Å"†¦ no matter how smart I am or how much I achieve, I am always going t o be a little ethnic from Glebe, as far as these people are concerned. †This statement clarifies her struggle of being an ethnic in the Australian society. The power of education is a power used positively in the book. With the power of education and Josie’s intelligence, she earns a scholarship at a ich, high class school. This power is used positively as Josie’s family is of the working class society, and they are unable to afford fees at St Martha’s but with the help of her scholarship, allows her to enter the school. Whilst attending this school Josie gets a taste of real life experiences within a complicated society. Josie then receives a broader perspective on the views of how she see’s other people, and how they depict her. The psychological powers in the book are abused both negatively and positively.First of all, psychological powers are used negatively when Nonno Francesco forces Nonna Katia to stay with him because of Katia’s secr et with Marcus Sanford. Francesco uses these occurrences to his advantage and blackmails Katia to stay with him, so that he is not looked down upon in shame by his family if Katia were to leave him. In contrast, the use of psychological powers is also used in a positive aspect. Josie’s search for her identity uses psychological power. As Josie learns more about herself and her family, she finds out many things that help her to become the person she was longing to be and to uncover her true identity.Josie’s positive use of psychological powers in using it to find her true self, has helped her understand the concepts of life and broaden he horizons towards her views on life altogether. Whilst finding her identity, Josie quotes â€Å"I’ll run one day. Run for my life. To be free and think for myself. Not as an Australian and not as a not as an Italian and not as in between. I’ll run to be emancipated. †This statement show’s how Josie views her self, and that she just wants to be her own person and uncover her true identity. Parental power is used in the negatively in this novel.It shows how people in society pressure their children, and do not let them choose to be the person they want to be. An example of this is John Barton. He receives a lack of freedom, not only this, but great amounts of pressure are laid upon him to follow the family footsteps. Even though he had everything anyone ever needed, it’s not what John wanted. When expressing himself to Josie, John states â€Å"I’ve always had to be the best because it’s expected of me. †With this quote, you could feel the pressure laid upon John, to be who his parents want him to be. This leads to the path of personal choice.Personal choice is connected to parental power, empowerment and relationships. The power of personal choice is used negatively; an example of this negative use is John Barton’s choice to commit suicide. With all the weight put upon John, and the pressure he received from his family, he was confused and did not know what to do. With his weak relationship with his family, and having too much power, he felt he had no other choice to rid of all these pressures, but to revert to suicide. John believed that suicide would solve all his problems and he would be set free of everything laid upon him, and that he would receive complete ‘emancipation’.A positive power did arise from John’s personal choice of suicide. This was the power of empowerment. John’s death impacted the other characters positively. John’s death empowered the other characters; it made the other characters, like Josie and Ivy think thoroughly about where they were in life, and where there lives were heading. It provided determination for the characters to pursue themselves to be who they want to be. It had motivated the characters to be strong, to talk and interact with each other and express what th ey each felt.This incident made everyone bond, and everyone’s relationships strengthened through the experience. End here, and add conclusion if not enough time The power of relationships is the strongest power in the novel. It is one of the only powers present throughout the entire novel. There are many relationships in the novel, one being with the women of the Alibrandi family. All three, Josie, Christina and Katia share a love hate relationship with each other. Since Josie and her mother Christina live together and Christina is a single parent, they support each other and talk like best friends.On the other hand, with Katia, she is very distant with Christina because of the secret behind Christina’s true identity. At the start of the book, Katia & Josie practically hate each other, but as the story progresses, they bond and grow a stronger relationship. With this relationship, Josie uncovers the truth of why Francesco could never act as a ‘real father’ to Christina and why Francesco had so much hatred and kicked her out at sixteen. Towards the end of the book, the three find out how common alike they are with each other, they gain a mutual bond and there relationship grows stronger as they grow fonder of each other.The relationship between Nonna Katia, Nonno Francesco & Marcus Sanford has a huge impact on how things turned out for Christina and Josie, and the relationship they share with Katia. Katia and Francesco had a very one sided relationship. When Francesco goes off to work, Nonna meets a Marcus whilst she has an emotional breakdown. Marcus comforts her, and this starts their relationship. Their relationship would grow, and they would grow fonder and fonder of each other as time passes.When Katia was with Marcus she states she felt passion, and this was the only time she ever felt ‘love’ which was never shown to her by Francesco. With this passionate relationship, it led to Katia and Marcus making love, and the refore having Christina. Marcus gave Katia what Francesco could not give her, love, passion and a child. Josie and Michael Andretti started off with a weak relationship; it grew stronger & stronger as they got to know each other. At first they did not want anything to do with each other, but as time went on their view’s changed.Michael then turned into a father figure and finally acted as a father towards Josie. Michael helps Josie get through a lot of her problems, like a possible court case, having heart to heart talks to express feelings & just being there for her. Josie and Jacob their relationship changed each other’s points of views, made each others perspectives broaden. It made each other’s outlook change towards the way they see their lives & futures. They teach other that social class doesn’t mean everything and that they an choose their own destiny, and defy whatever barriers hold them back. Looking for Alibrandi Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Looking for Alibrandi By: Melina Marchette Looking for Alibrandi is the story of Josie Alibrandi’s experiences at school, and her relationships with friends and family during her last year at St Martha’s girls’ school. This is the year her father comes back into her life, the year she falls in love and discovers the secrets of her family’s past. Josie tells us the story of her struggles with her Italian-Australian identity and the highs and lows of teenage life.It’s the story of a young girl who feels she doesn’t belong. She learns to cope with these feelings of insecurity and learns that everyone has similar feelings at different times. 1. Josie must learn to deal with a whole range of issues. How and why does Josie change? In Melina Marchetta’s novel, Looking for Alibrandi, Josie confronts and resolves a number of problems she has in her life. Josie’s attitudes towards her family and friends alter as she learns more about them and tries to understand them.Ultimately, Josie is not the same girl at the end of the novel as she was at the beginning. 2. Josie has conflicting feelings towards Jacob. Explain. Josie has conflicting feelings towards Jacob. â€Å"I don’t know if he’s my type†. Josie is still initially stuck on John. It is not until after his death that she realises her real feelings for Jacob. 3. Josie’s transformation from school girl to young adult is the result of major events in her personal and school life.Indeed, without these influences, Josie heightened understanding of herself and others would never have occurred. In reflecting on these experiences and understanding, how do these transformations impact her life? (This question is fit for conclusion – 2 sentences) Josie’s transformation from schoolgirl to young adult is the result of a number of major events in her personal and school life. Indeed, without these influences , Josie’s heightened understanding of herself and others would never have occurred.In reflecting on these experiences and understanding their impact on her life, Josie’s transformation is complete. 4. Josie says, â€Å"I’m not going to be trapped like them. †Does Josie seem trapped or cursed? 5. Look for examples of tradition in the family and school. In the novel, Looking for Alibrandi, Melinda Marchetta explores how Josie is initially embarrassed about being Italian but throughout the text she becomes proud of her Italian heritage.She finds Tomato Day suffocating labelling it â€Å"Nation Wog day†as she wonders, â€Å"How many other poor unfortunates our age were doing the same? †She also says, â€Å"This might be where I come from, but do I really belong here? †This however changes through hearing Katia’s story and realising the importance of her heritage. 6. Why does Josie react strongly to other characters referring to her ethnicity or using the word â€Å"wog†, even though she uses the word and is sometimes critical of her Italian heritage? 7.How does Michael Andretti appear to be adapting to his role as a father? Josie initially resents her father but comes to love and respect Michael and accept him in her life. â€Å"Stop being polite, you’re making me puke. Be angry or rude – but don’t you pretend I’m not here†. Josie rejects Michael at first, but then starts to warm to him. â€Å"I’ll ring my father – he’s a barrister†. 8. What impressions of Josie’s family do you form? What reasons does she have for wanting to â€Å"burst out of family life? †Do you sympathize with her feelings? Looking for Alibrandi Looking for Alibrandi is a novel written by Melina Marchetta. It is about a young female named Josephine Alibrandi. This book is about Josephine’s journey in search of her identity, and her relationships around her. It shows how her views are depicted and how her views change throughout the course of the novel. This novel portrays the use and abuse of power and its effects on individuals in society. These powers include the powers of freedom, education, legal, psychological, cultural, pressure, parental, empowerment, personal choice and relationships.All these powers make a huge impact throughout the course of the novel, whether they or negative or positive powers. The power of freedom, with the theme of destiny is a power present throughout the whole novel. This power plays positively through the novel. Josie believes that a person can chose their destiny and create their own path of life. She believes that no matter who you are, you can prevail over anything that is holding you back and that you can defy the stars and create your own destiny.In the novel Josie mentions â€Å"†¦ we’re masters of our own destiny†which highlights the power of freedom, and having a choice in where your life is heading. On the other hand, the power of freedom ties in with the power of culture. The power of culture plays a negative path of the story in Looking for Alibrandi. The power of culture intertwines with the themes of racism and multiculturalism. Josie’s culture, being of Italian descent, holds her back in the course of the novel. As Josephine is an ‘ethnic girl’, it holds her back from being the person she wants to be, and the things she wants to achieve.Her culture is a wall seperating her from who she is right now, and she wants to be. As an ethnic, she is looked down in society, and it makes her life more difficult. In the novel, Josie states â€Å"†¦ no matter how smart I am or how much I achieve, I am always going t o be a little ethnic from Glebe, as far as these people are concerned. †This statement clarifies her struggle of being an ethnic in the Australian society. The power of education is a power used positively in the book. With the power of education and Josie’s intelligence, she earns a scholarship at a ich, high class school. This power is used positively as Josie’s family is of the working class society, and they are unable to afford fees at St Martha’s but with the help of her scholarship, allows her to enter the school. Whilst attending this school Josie gets a taste of real life experiences within a complicated society. Josie then receives a broader perspective on the views of how she see’s other people, and how they depict her. The psychological powers in the book are abused both negatively and positively.First of all, psychological powers are used negatively when Nonno Francesco forces Nonna Katia to stay with him because of Katia’s secr et with Marcus Sanford. Francesco uses these occurrences to his advantage and blackmails Katia to stay with him, so that he is not looked down upon in shame by his family if Katia were to leave him. In contrast, the use of psychological powers is also used in a positive aspect. Josie’s search for her identity uses psychological power. As Josie learns more about herself and her family, she finds out many things that help her to become the person she was longing to be and to uncover her true identity.Josie’s positive use of psychological powers in using it to find her true self, has helped her understand the concepts of life and broaden he horizons towards her views on life altogether. Whilst finding her identity, Josie quotes â€Å"I’ll run one day. Run for my life. To be free and think for myself. Not as an Australian and not as a not as an Italian and not as in between. I’ll run to be emancipated. †This statement show’s how Josie views her self, and that she just wants to be her own person and uncover her true identity. Parental power is used in the negatively in this novel.It shows how people in society pressure their children, and do not let them choose to be the person they want to be. An example of this is John Barton. He receives a lack of freedom, not only this, but great amounts of pressure are laid upon him to follow the family footsteps. Even though he had everything anyone ever needed, it’s not what John wanted. When expressing himself to Josie, John states â€Å"I’ve always had to be the best because it’s expected of me. †With this quote, you could feel the pressure laid upon John, to be who his parents want him to be. This leads to the path of personal choice.Personal choice is connected to parental power, empowerment and relationships. The power of personal choice is used negatively; an example of this negative use is John Barton’s choice to commit suicide. With all the weight put upon John, and the pressure he received from his family, he was confused and did not know what to do. With his weak relationship with his family, and having too much power, he felt he had no other choice to rid of all these pressures, but to revert to suicide. John believed that suicide would solve all his problems and he would be set free of everything laid upon him, and that he would receive complete ‘emancipation’.A positive power did arise from John’s personal choice of suicide. This was the power of empowerment. John’s death impacted the other characters positively. John’s death empowered the other characters; it made the other characters, like Josie and Ivy think thoroughly about where they were in life, and where there lives were heading. It provided determination for the characters to pursue themselves to be who they want to be. It had motivated the characters to be strong, to talk and interact with each other and express what th ey each felt.This incident made everyone bond, and everyone’s relationships strengthened through the experience. End here, and add conclusion if not enough time The power of relationships is the strongest power in the novel. It is one of the only powers present throughout the entire novel. There are many relationships in the novel, one being with the women of the Alibrandi family. All three, Josie, Christina and Katia share a love hate relationship with each other. Since Josie and her mother Christina live together and Christina is a single parent, they support each other and talk like best friends.On the other hand, with Katia, she is very distant with Christina because of the secret behind Christina’s true identity. At the start of the book, Katia & Josie practically hate each other, but as the story progresses, they bond and grow a stronger relationship. With this relationship, Josie uncovers the truth of why Francesco could never act as a ‘real father’ to Christina and why Francesco had so much hatred and kicked her out at sixteen. Towards the end of the book, the three find out how common alike they are with each other, they gain a mutual bond and there relationship grows stronger as they grow fonder of each other.The relationship between Nonna Katia, Nonno Francesco & Marcus Sanford has a huge impact on how things turned out for Christina and Josie, and the relationship they share with Katia. Katia and Francesco had a very one sided relationship. When Francesco goes off to work, Nonna meets a Marcus whilst she has an emotional breakdown. Marcus comforts her, and this starts their relationship. Their relationship would grow, and they would grow fonder and fonder of each other as time passes.When Katia was with Marcus she states she felt passion, and this was the only time she ever felt ‘love’ which was never shown to her by Francesco. With this passionate relationship, it led to Katia and Marcus making love, and the refore having Christina. Marcus gave Katia what Francesco could not give her, love, passion and a child. Josie and Michael Andretti started off with a weak relationship; it grew stronger & stronger as they got to know each other. At first they did not want anything to do with each other, but as time went on their view’s changed.Michael then turned into a father figure and finally acted as a father towards Josie. Michael helps Josie get through a lot of her problems, like a possible court case, having heart to heart talks to express feelings & just being there for her. Josie and Jacob their relationship changed each other’s points of views, made each others perspectives broaden. It made each other’s outlook change towards the way they see their lives & futures. They teach other that social class doesn’t mean everything and that they an choose their own destiny, and defy whatever barriers hold them back.
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